Any musicians on TMC? If so, post pics of your gear here!

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Jan 18, 2015
Thread title is pretty self explanatory if ya ask me! I'm bored and felt like sharing pics of my stuff, and I know we have at least one other guitar player on here ( Team Bisping @Gilbosh I believe?).. So here is a thread to show off what ya got!

This is my main electric guitar. It's literally my dream guitar - aside from like, a $5,000 Gibson I can never afford : P

I've always been a big fan of the Randy Rhodes style V because of how comfortable they are sitting down - contrary to belief. Most people think you can't sit and play a V, and with the Gibson or normal V style, you can't. But due to the cutaway on this and smaller wing, all I do is attach my strap in the back, choke it up high, and it balances perfectly upright on my leg in a classical position for easy playing.

As crazy as it sounds, this guitar actually helps my back injury that I have been dealing with for years now. It's become increasingly difficult int he last 2 years, maybe to the point of impossibility sometimes, to play guitar. However, this one has always served me well.

I used to have a cheaper Jackson RR (like a $350 one) and always dreamed that one day I'd own this exact model. Well, not to get too personal, but a month before my grandfather died last year he told me he wanted to get me a new guitar, of any model/type I desired. Obviously within reason.. But, let's just say he really took care of me with this, and it's something that I never would have been able to buy/afford by myself.

To this day I can't believe I own this thing. It's the smoothest, most easy to play guitar in this style I have ever laid my hands on (thrash/heavy metal esque guitars, I mean). I can't even explain how fast the neck is, how sick the pickups sound or how great having a locking tuner cna be.. Never have to deal with the hassle of tuning again.

Here's the specs and info.

Jackson RRMG

Carbon black on black with dark silver/black fret inlays (it's a lot darker than it looks in this photo)

EMG 81/89 pickups. The EMG 89 is a split coil and has a switch to go from humbucker to single coil mode.. Effectively making this a 3 pickup guitar despite having only two installed. The single coil is really great for a bluesy, twangy sound. When I want that thick, smooth lead sound, I keep it on the humbucker option for the neck pickup. It may look like a metal guitar, but the sounds you can get out of this thing are great. Obviously it's thin and not as heavy as a Les Paul, but along with a tube amp, you can really get a great blues sound with it if you know what you're doing! I don't think I need to explain to anyone who knows just how great of a heavy sound you can get with a Rhoads + EMG 81 :)

Authentic Floyd Rose locking tuner/tremolo. Amazing. My whole life I only owned "licensed" Floyd Rose systems, meaning they worked the same but were simply not as good, durable, or sturdy. I've had this guitar for a little over a year, and other than when I've changed the strings, I have not had to unlock it and fix the tuning even once. It's amazing.

Gibson Explorer - silverburst (DAT FINISH THOUGH)


Standard Gibson Explorer with silverburst finish.

Two Gibson "Burstbucker" pickups. BOTH of them have the coil splitting option mentioned above on the Jackson, meaning you can get 4 completely different sounds out of this thing despite it appearing to just have two standard humbuckers.

The "SAMHAIN" on the bottom is a custom paint job I did last year. Samhain is one of my favorite bands, and I felt like the big area of space needed something to go there. I used to put stickers all over my guitars and be all xxxPUNKxROCKxxx/hXc bro, but since I've switched over to higher level, nicer equipment, I just like to let the finishes speak for themselves. But I thought this would look perfect and match well, and it did. I used a Samhain sticker, painted around it, took the sticker off and filled the rest in.

Again, owning this exact guitar was a dream of mine for years. Gibson actually did not make Explorers with this finish until a few years ago, they only did it custom (AKA, thousands of greedy dollars). I was thrilled when they put this into production.

This one, sadly, is out of commission at the moment. The story of how I got this one is way too long to explain, but in sohrt, when I ordered the Jackson above, the horrible company whose name I won't even mention here sent me THIS instead. Needless to say, I lost my fucking mind when I opened the box and this was in there instead of the Jackson I'd ordered for a pretty penny.

Regardless of the fiasco, this is a beautiful Martin acoustic DCPA5K. I am a poor person, so owning a very nice acoustic like this was never in the realm of possibility for me. However, this peice of shit company ripped me off by sending the wrong order, lost the Jackson I originally ordered, and put me through a gigantic hassle. They wanted me to send this back before I even got my original order. They were nthing but rude from day 1 despite THEIR mistake.. So, I said fuck them, and kept the guitar. They can go fuck themselves, they are a giant company making hundreds of millions per year, and they are known to have godawful service.

Anyway. Sadly, and not surprisingly considering the company this came from, the guitar arrived with a hairline crack at the base of the body. I got it fixed, but once the winter hit, the wood on the guitar started to expand and contract as the temperature changed. Fucking nightmare. Over $400 to get it fixed, which I certainly don't have, and probably never will.

However, once warm weather hit, the guitar seemed to fix itself somehow, lol. This year the winter fucked it up again.. and basically, the notes work until the high E string. No matter what, the high E and all frets after 15 in the other strings are dead. Super bummer, because it makes an amazing, gorgeous guitar simply unplayable.

Maybe one day I will fix it, or maybe it iwll fix itself every Spring & Summer, lol. If so, I guess I will just use it then. But it's a shame to see this beauty sit in the corner and not get touched due to whatever the fuck is wrong with it. When it did work, this was onre of the most stunning, great sounding acoustics I have ever touched. Martin is really the best of the best when it comes to acoustic! I'll try to find a pic of the neck on here, the wood is so pretty.

Anyway, I have some other stuff I will write about in the post below. If I can find/dig up pics, I will do so! But for now, these are the 3 main guitars I own, with the Martin being unusable at the moment.

Share your stuff if ya got it!


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I've got no idea why those pics came out so big. If you want to see them without scrolling, right click and view image.

Anyway, other stuff I have:

A 12 string acoustic (this is primarily my main acoustic right now, but since it's a 12 string, I only use it for certain stuff that is meant to sound more "pretty" lol)

Orange Dark Terror amp with Marshall cab

Various pedals and effects... Dunlop 535 Q Crybaby Wah pedal... Digitech Digidelay pedal... Vintage Electro Harmonix Small Stone pedal from 1972 (made out of old tank parts from a factory in Russia - no joke.. gotta get a pic up of that one).. and other random shit. But those are the 3 main pedals I use all the time.

Please excuse the douchey pic - this was taken a silly thing, believe me, I do not think it's cool to stand there like this haha. BUT, when my cousin and friend were over, we realized we had some cool guitars, and bunched them together for a picture. This was taken in early 2012, so almost none of these guitars are still around. My room also looks a lot cooler, too.

I also have a way nicer chair now, ha. The struggle of being poor and putting every cent you have toward music :-/

The only guitar in this photo I still own is the acoustic which is the 12 string mentioned above. It's the only pic I currently have of it.

Also in this pic is my amp head, an Orange Dark terror. Fucking mind blowing amp. Orange is by far my favorite company, and with this one little head you can get the heaviest sounds imaginable, to straight up 1960s Clapton/Cream style fat tone. I was a Marshall guy my whole life but made the switch to Orange about 2 years ago and will probably never go back.

The black Les Paul is an Epiphone LP Prophecy w/ EMGs that my cousin owns. I had this guitar for about 2 years, he let e borrow it when I was between instruments. It's actually pretty damn great for an Epiphone. Nice finish too.

The black Jackson RR in this pic is the one I mentioned earlier. Not the one I own now. This was my first one and the cheaper model. I put EMGs in it and it sounded great. probably the best ~$500ish guitar I have ever owned.

The red V is my buddy's Gibson that he paid ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR at a tag sale. I fucking hate him. I never come across deals like that, nevermind a Gibson for $700 less than it's worth!

The big guitar with the F holes on the left is my friend's Michael Kelly. Can't remember the model. Really nice sound on it though, pretty tone for sure.

So enough of my big rants and explanations. These pics together show most of what I have these days - the RRMG, Silverburst Explorer, 12 string acoustic (can't remember the brand haha), Orange amp, and pedals (though not shown). I've also got a keyboard and a Squier bass (cheap, but works fine for me!). They are not worthy of taking the time to find pics and upload them, though, haha.

If you're a guitarist, a drummer, a keyboardist, a bassist, a sax player, a kazoo aficionado - WHATEVER IT MAY BE - post pics of your gear here! I could stare at nice guitars all day.

Hope you guys dig, sorry for the long bits of info, but music and combat sports are my only passions in life. Literally, that's it. So I can get pretty lengthy when describing my stuff.. I still can't believe I am lucky enough to own those 2 guitars (RRMG and Explorer)..... SO needless to say, it gets me excited!

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Feb 16, 2015
I have one nice acoustic guitar, the rest of my equipment is mostly studio related - probably not the subject of your thread.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Actually I was thinking of editing/adding that before I saw your post

I own a lot of equipment and have spent a shit ton of time in the studio. I just got a new box the other day actually, for home. Just 2 mic/line inputs, but it's great, amazing sound. Traded a few pedals for it. It's the new DigiDesign Mbox. I think #3. I had #2 for a few years and liked how small, easy and cheap it was with such a great sound (for what I was doing anyway, just recording guitar ideas/tracks in my room to build songs off of later). If I had a ton of cash, man, I'd own a giant 16 input with absolutely huge monitors that shake the entire street.. you get the idea lol

I do a lot of hiphop stuff with my buddy as well. Like a lot of production. Me and my boy had a producer gig going for a while. He ran all the software and played keys, and I would play all of the actual instruments on his beats. We'd come up with ideas either on a guitar, keyboard, or FL.. and then turn them into real songs for beats with a "real" feel. Lots of Andre 3000 and Roots influence in terms of the actual sound of the songs, and their approach to using real instruments instead of plugins to make the final product sound authentic. We used pro tools for actual instrument recording always, at first FL studio when we started learning but kept using FL for artificial sounds that we later recreated with real instruments, even if we had to rent random shit and learn to play it ourselves just for one part

SO if you do have that kind of stuff please share. I am a total geek when it comes to this shit. I'd love to see your setup. If I was rich, man, I would have the baddest setup imaginable right in my room. I'd never leave the house, haha. I'd probably write and record 10 albums a year across every genre known to man. Oh the possibilities. One day.


Feb 16, 2015
Don't have time to take or upload pictures, but here's a taste of a couple of my daily use items....


There's more stuff, I may post some of it later.....