General Are guns bad for America?

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I think they are. Remember that I love you cunts....I ain't denigrating anyone...Just your thoughts?

Fire away.

No pun intended


Guns are what allowed America to become a nation.

Currently Americans have less access and more restrictions to firearms than any time since their mass production yet here you pose this silly question.

The problem is clearly in the population and not the tool.

Do you agree or disagree?


Guns are what allowed America to become a nation.

Currently Americans have less access and more restrictions to firearms than any time since their mass production yet here you pose this silly question.

The problem is clearly in the population and not the tool.

Do you agree or disagree?
Can I call a friend?

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Guns are what allowed America to become a nation.
It certainly made it easier to slaughter the native Americans and kill Mexicans to take over California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona


It certainly made it easier to slaughter the native Americans and kill Mexicans to take over California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona
True but it was the spread of small pox which actually made the take over possible. So there is that.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Guns are not only good for America, it's imperitive for the hope of liberty in the world.
As long as America, the greatest most powerful country on earth, represents the ideas that founded it,
1) Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness,
2) Improvisation despite it's corruption,
3) and most importantly the constitution reinforcing the GOD-GIVEN right to defend ourselves against tyranny,
the population of this planet will continue to, consiously or subconsiously, KNOW that these principles are the foundation of freedom.
We are the last beacon of light, despite the darkness. That darkness is degradation of morality, which befalls every once great nation.
Our forefathers knew all of this, were historians of high order schooled to the mistakes of past great nations, and so systematically founded it in a manner to avoid making these tragic mistakes again.

The world elite want a world united only for control, and if that happens, the death toll will be beyond every war combined, because they believe in a humanism that invests entirely in falsehoods; that man is inherently good, and mankind must sacrifice himself today for a percieved greater good, or "evolution" genetically.
This will lead to "accidental" extermination, and there will be no one to successfully oppose the insanity.

This isn"t about guns for America, it's about freedom from tyranny worldwide.
As stated in an earlier thread, after a decade of resistance and war, false flags will be orchestrated on a grand level causing submission.
Numbers will be good for no longer than a few decades. Then it's lights out genocide, as it has been time and time again.

member 3289

The country would be a lot safer if there were no guns in the hands of private citizens.

Not even a conservatard can deny that.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
The country would be a lot safer if there were no guns in the hands of private citizens.

Not even a conservatard can deny that.
You don't think criminals would start reigning terror if they knew citizens didn't have guns?

Like an increase in home invasion, robbery, etc?