General Arm Wrestling Thread

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I dont see one here... and we had a pretty active one on the OG...

So here we go.
Not one dedicated thread but I have seen a few over the years
Good stuff


Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
Has Eddie done any arm wrestling training at all though? I mean I get it in terms of "big names" and whatnot, but if Brian crushes him it proves nothing.


Active Member
Mar 2, 2023
Has Eddie done any arm wrestling training at all though? I mean I get it in terms of "big names" and whatnot, but if Brian crushes him it proves nothing.
I think Shaw explains it pretty well in that vid, it's his intro to armwrestling supermatches and he's looking forward to being around all the big names at this event. I bet the afterpull is going to be crazy and hopefully we get to see some shitty phone vids of those matches. I do wonder if Shaw can handle the amount of partying those armwrestlers do, he seems like a pure as the wind driven snow kinda guy.


Aug 13, 2024
Shaw was one of the more technical strongmen... so I have a feeling he'll be a problem in arm wrestling.

Obviously hes miles stronger than everyone... but his attention to detail should really shorten the road to becoming great.


Active Member
Mar 2, 2023
I think he'd wreck anyone today, maybe even Levan. He's already the strongest person out there and once he gets comfortable he's not getting pinned by anyone, imo.