Bas Rutten's Karate Combat: Inception

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
some quick finishes...very interesting

hella quick strikers

Its like an 80's fight movie coming to life

Hans Island


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Moms birthday last night so I missed live showing. Hope to get caught up with it tonight.
Plus here’s Phoenix Carnavale promoting the event

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Freelance MMA Analyst
Aug 8, 2015
Damn. This is good shit.
Why didn't this exist when i did karate?
It did, but it was very hard to find and not very marketable on the business end of dojos in the late 80s and 90s. I had to look for years before I found an Ishin-Ryu school and our attendance was always low, not many stayed for long. I started training martial arts when I was 16 at an "American Kickboxing" school, which was just watered down Shotokan. I didn't find Ishin-ryu til I was 23.

That's what Carnevale and I talked about during our interview. Rutten comments on Shotokan in America during the event, but many of the traditional Okinawan styles got phased out over the "McDojo" types people always think of when they hear the word "karate".

I think Karate Combat can truly be good for the art and remove the stigma folks have attached to it. I wrote about here too:

Karate Combat a Promotion with Potential


Freelance MMA Analyst
Aug 8, 2015
Pretty darn cool.

What's the bar under their names for though?
It measures heart rate during the action. If you watch the video interview with Carnevale, she explains it's a small sensor on the wrist portion of the glove about the size of a band aid.