General Biden to give farewell speech on 01/15

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Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Good riddance, cuntden
Go fuck yourself and have a miserable rest of your life
Fuck off


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Let him ramble and embarrass himself and his party, let his pettiness flow as he takes final swipes at his foes.

One for the ages, a true low point in American politics and governance.


Jan 17, 2018
"My fellow Americans I know Im a piece of shit and did whatever faggot obama wanted me to do." Hes lying when he says he didnt do anything wrong and piss on this brain dead fossil and filthy ass reamed barry.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
"My fellow Americans I know Im a piece of shit and did whatever faggot obama wanted me to do." Hes lying when he says he didnt do anything wrong and piss on this brain dead fossil and filthy ass reamed barry.
He’s always been a cunt until the “establishment” felt sorry for him after covering for his disgusting, pant shitting” ass

Fuck him and fuck the libtards who violated every law they always protected if republicans dared to violate.

No remorse at all

I hope he dies for years in misery