Boogie With Stu!

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Jan 16, 2015
I have always thought of this question 'what is your favorite Led Zeppelin song' as impossible to answer..........whichever Led Zeppelin song is playing at the time has always been the best one to me. However, I am really digging 'Boogie With Stu' lately. It was always my Mom's favorite (along with 'When The Levee Breaks) because my Dad's name is Stu (as is one of my middle names).

Anyhow, I'll post a shortened version of this song here..........the shortened version because it has a cool little video of some chick doing that sexy 40's style dancing with a couple sailors she's about to bang!


Post your favorite Zeppelin song here..........I'd be curious to hear what people think of as their favorite song by a band with countless perfect melodies!
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