General Brachistochrone Curve

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Second gif is much better...first one the ball drops and almost appears to take a 90 degree turn at the same speed which is confusing for physics
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Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
So what have we learned and what practical use does this have?



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
So what have we learned and what practical use does this have?

Rollercoasters, down hill skiers, jason73 @jason73 fuckin up all the other kids wit his hot wheels

Also, Bernoulli apparently figured this out using lights natural bend in prisms and calculated that limit to infinity. He let lights natural limit tell him the fastest path with the assumption that light would get there fastest...kind of cool.

But if you take the curve and let it run up the other side, a ball will exactly go to the end point in the same amount of time! no matter where you start it!

Uniform time on a pendulum curve.

now you have the basis for a pendulum clock.

member 1013

Rollercoasters, down hill skiers, jason73 @jason73 fuckin up all the other kids wit his hot wheels

Also, Bernoulli apparently figured this out using lights natural bend in prisms and calculated that limit to infinity. He let lights natural limit tell him the fastest path with the assumption that light would get there fastest...kind of cool.

But if you take the curve and let it run up the other side, a ball will exactly go to the end point in the same amount of time! no matter where you start it!

Uniform time on a pendulum curve.

now you have the basis for a pendulum clock.
Lol what a nerd


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Clicked because I misread title.
Thought it said Brachioplexus Nerve.
Gimme a shout when that thread happens!


Nov 3, 2015
Clicked because I misread title.
Thought it said Brachiosaurus.
Gimme a shout when that thread happens!


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
, Bernoulli apparently figured this out using lights natural bend in prisms and calculated that limit to infinity. He let lights natural limit tell him the fastest path with the assumption that light would get there fastest...kind of cool.
That's a hell of an assumption.

And he could have figured the same thing out with the orange snap-together hotwheels tracks.

20 years ago, If you would have told me I'd be getting a gravity & inertia lesson on an MMA forum while I sit on the shitter at 5:52 in the morning before heading to work I would have called you crazy. But here we are.