Buchholz: Benavidez bailed on Team Alpha Male

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

The latest fighter to say goodbye to the Sacramento, Calif.-based fight camp is top flyweight contender Joseph Benavidez. Team Alpha Male head coach Justin Buchholz, however, told Stud Radio (via Bloody Elbow) there are no hard feelings.

"He did leave the team. I mean, you train here in Sacramento, you're part of Team Alpha Male, or you don't live here. He hasn't trained at all since I took over as head coach. I thought Joe would at least give a chance of me, and Danny, and Holdsworth running this new program along with Master Thong and Joey. But he never did. He came in town for one week, he moved his house, did, like, one boxing class. I'm not upset at him for leaving because he didn't leave under me as head coach. He left when the team was hurting -- we didn't have a coach, we didn't have much direction. So it is what it was."

Buchholz expects Benavidez to end up at Elevation Fight Team in the near future.

LINK: Coach: Joseph Benavidez bailed on Team Alpha Male, could end up at Elevation Fight Team


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Joe wasn't gonna be training year round at TAM regardless of the coaching situation. Once he got married a few months ago, he moved out of Sacramento and into Megan's place in Vegas. He'll prolly train at Syndicate and do his camps with Elevation.


Oct 17, 2015
Good to hear Master Thong is back with TAM. Was able to spend some time with him and he shared some awesome stories with us.


Given out tokes like it ain't no thing
Oct 24, 2015
Waiting for Faber's challenge and shit talking in 4...........3............2................1

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I bet you say the same about your female cousins.
I'm with the horse on this one......i could, with serious thought and justification, consider Megan but man she would really have to bring a strong case for me to sleep with her......