General California/Nevada Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee Accepting Apprentice Lineman Applications

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Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
CA/NV JATC is accepting applications starting 3/3/25 through 3/14/25 for Apprentice Outside Line Program. The JATC will place you with companies in need of apprentice lineman positions. Travel & relocation costs are paid by the apprentice during this timeframe. This program will help one looking to become a lineman with training & job placement even if it isn't as convenient as directly hiring on with a company but those direct hiring jobs can be difficult in their own right.

Here's the link for anyone wanting to pass it along to someone they know:

Application Info


Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
I should add that this would be a good opportunity for a young, hardworking person that's not quite onboard with the traditional 4yr college system. 25yrs ago there was a 20yr backlog for line work in the Western US & that backlog has only grown since then.

These kids will end up earning more than the VAST majority of people with excellent career longevity.


Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
I am about to start my 27th year as a lineman. Couldn't imagine doing anything else.
I've never been on a line crew. Would just talk to you guy (or the dedicated switchman/troubleman) on the phone when issuing switching orders. You guys work as much ot as we do in the GCC/control rooms but are actually moving around & not staring at video walls & 7 monitors at a fucking desk


Aug 17, 2024
I could never sit at a desk. I need to be outdoors. I spent along time tramping around before finally settling down at a small power company. I also trimmed trees from the lines for 6 years before i became a lineman. Met some interesting people... I enjoy your posts when you and the other fella talk about your jobs. Interesting hearing about that stuff I never get to see.