How does this work? I noticed, accidentally, about 6 months ago I had 8. I looked a minute ago and I had 8. I am a trophy husband to my wife but how does the trophy system work here?
Hover over your profile and then click Personal Details, and then Custom do people get a custom message under their name. mine just says "active member" which is more like a description of my penis.
I'm on my phone, so its not as clear but iirc, you do certain achievements, like post a number of times or be a member for a yearHow does this work? I noticed, accidentally, about 6 months ago I had 8. I looked a minute ago and I had 8. I am a trophy husband to my wife but how does the trophy system work here?
Funny that you say that, I always wondered why yours had that in are the only one I think I have seen.....I just thought you were being a smart ass. Don't change it now, you have built a brand, changing your brand now is tantamount to McDonald's changing their name and logohow do people get a custom message under their name. mine just says "active member" which is more like a description of my penis.
Then I've got way too many.1 trophy per inch is my understanding
Thanks @Ish Kabibble, I could've sworn trophies = inches, but alas you are correct sirThey're just points for random things like getting your first like and being here for your birthday.
Trophies | The MMA Community Forum