General Chicago Weekend Update

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Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
Only 64 people shot over the weekend. It looks like they are turning a new leaf. Good for them. Things are looking up.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
You would think a ‘law & order’ president would have this under control.
Are you aware Trump can't take over the city with the national guard? The Insurrection Act of 1807 is how it would be done, but that comes historically only at the request of local government requesting aid because they cannot get it under control. In Chicago, Seattle, Portland etc... the local government is allowing it to happen, therefore aiding. They have backed off police, laid off police, and given them direct orders to essentially allow everything to happen. Trump can really only act on federal law and federal property. Aid has been offered many times by Trump, but rejected.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Are you aware Trump can't take over the city with the national guard? The Insurrection Act of 1807 is how it would be done, but that comes historically only at the request of local government requesting aid because they cannot get it under control. In Chicago, Seattle, Portland etc... the local government is allowing it to happen, therefore aiding. They have backed off police, laid off police, and given them direct orders to essentially allow everything to happen. Trump can really only act on federal law and federal property. Aid has been offered many times by Trump, but rejected.
Force and punishment isn’t the only way for a president to help troubled communities.