General Childhood friend turned out to be gay

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I ran into an old buddy who I used to hang around with from 12-17 years of age or so, until he moved across the country. Turns out he is now a dinner masher and married to a man!

I'm not homophobic in any way but I was a bit mystified, because he was the most homophobic dude ever. Every second word was "f-ggot". He would accuse you of being a "f-g" and then roast you for days, mercilessly. A bunch of us went to Blockbuster one time and I suggested we rent Bloodsport. He accused me of just wanting to look at JCVD's muscled body doing the splits (which was only a half truth at best). And for a good 2 weeks I was the "f-ggot" who was lusting over JCVD. That's just one example. I was falsely accused of trying to take a peek at his cock while he was pissing once, and for the next few weeks again I was a "f-ggot pecker checker". If he was talking, he was either talking about hot chicks or how someone else was a f-g.

So I feel a bit miffed, a bit cheated because my 13 year old self would have a field day with the fact that he was actually gay and into man ass the whole time. I could have been spared getting unjustly roasted by pointing out he'd be married to a dude in a few years. But now as a gentleman in my 30s, I can only sit back and applaud his lifestyle.

member 3289

So even when he had his mouth on your cock you suspected nothing?


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I ran into an old buddy who I used to hang around with from 12-17 years of age or so, until he moved across the country. Turns out he is now a dinner masher and married to a man!

I'm not homophobic in any way but I was a bit mystified, because he was the most homophobic dude ever. Every second word was "f-ggot". He would accuse you of being a "f-g" and then roast you for days, mercilessly. A bunch of us went to Blockbuster one time and I suggested we rent Bloodsport. He accused me of just wanting to look at JCVD's muscled body doing the splits (which was only a half truth at best). And for a good 2 weeks I was the "f-ggot" who was lusting over JCVD. That's just one example. I was falsely accused of trying to take a peek at his cock while he was pissing once, and for the next few weeks again I was a "f-ggot pecker checker". If he was talking, he was either talking about hot chicks or how someone else was a f-g.

So I feel a bit miffed, a bit cheated because my 13 year old self would have a field day with the fact that he was actually gay and into man ass the whole time. I could have been spared getting unjustly roasted by pointing out he'd be married to a dude in a few years. But now as a gentleman in my 30s, I can only sit back and applaud his lifestyle.
This truly is a brave way for you and your "old buddy" to come out. I applauded you both.

Anti-Gay Activists Who Were, In Fact, Gay

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
I think everyone has one of those friends or acquaintances from growing up. The dude who talked a lot to overcompensate for what he had in the back of his mind the whole time. I feel bad that those people had to hide who they were for so long, or even worse tried to convince themselves they weren’t who they really were.


Jun 23, 2015
My best guy friend in school is this guy. If I knew what gay was when I was a kid I would have known.
He's been in the celeb gossip world forever and is pretty successful, he was going mental the other day because he got to interview Cher.
Dan Wakeford - Wikipedia



Oct 20, 2015
I think everyone has one of those friends or acquaintances from growing up. The dude who talked a lot to overcompensate for what he had in the back of his mind the whole time. I feel bad that those people had to hide who they were for so long, or even worse tried to convince themselves they weren’t who they really were.
I just went to my 20 year high school reunion and found out a pretty close friend is gay. We all kind of thought he was, what caught me off guard the most was finding out he’s a drunk and a cokehead.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
As for OP... You could have enjoyed a much more fulfilling life...



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
You are such an example of all that we should aspire to,.....I’m so glad I know you
I am the best and worst of what every man hopes and dreads for themselves...but I don't shit up threads over and over, Courtney.