There is an art to playing a heel and there is an art to cutting a promo.
Mr. Covington has failed to fully understand both while at the same time not fully understanding his audience.
MMA is the real deal, real fights with real consequences. Fans are really invested in their fighters.
words have meaning ...and in the real world what you say is what you mean ...
So when you disrespect a crowd and a country ..(who don't know you are trying to play a gimmick) are engaging in Russian Roulette.
Blurring the lines between Professional Wrestling and MMA is a slippery slope that one must carefully go down ....are you being real or are you playing a gimmick in the real world? are you trolling or are you really a douche bag ...most fans will not be able to decipher ....its all about perspective and knowing your audience.
So I say to you Mr. Covington, be careful. It is not wise to play these type of games in the real World.
TMMAC: Discuss...