Society Dan Crenshaw vows to murder Tucker Carlson

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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Didn’t they just arrest a kid for saying he was going to shoot up a school??

isn’t this the same thing??
You would think, sometimes it comes down to intent and proximity. Would be funny if Carlson got Crenshaw served a protection order based off the video though.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Guns can be confiscated for a protection order if the judge orders it
Understood and while I hate that the concept of an erpo even exists, I don't for a second believe that the bill Crenshaw introduced against them was anything more than an effort to mitigate blowback from his prior (half) blind support of them.

IMO, there would be a beautiful irony in seeing those bullshit laws used by the MPDC on one of the leading personifications of a 'rules for thee, but not for me' approach to governance.

Besides it's not like Tucker can seek an obviously petty protection order, without pissing all over the personal liberty brand he's been cultivating.

Then again your a LEO and I'm not, so there could certainly be something I'm missing here.