General Dicks against a sexist dick (trashing Trump)

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
A lot of great points made in this vid. My only complain is that they censored out all that hot man meat.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Hey, you were missing. I came to Vancouver, it was awesome.
I live a ferry ride from Vancouver.

The island is 35 km away from downtown Vancouver or a 15 minute float plane ride.

Id kick a midget to have a beer with Splinty @Splinty ... You in Vancouver for business or pleasure?

The lil lady is actually a general practitioner recruiter for our area, you wanna job? Ill hook ya up ;)


I live a ferry ride from Vancouver.

The island is 35 km away from downtown Vancouver or a 15 minute float plane ride.

Id kick a midget to have a beer with Splinty @Splinty ... You in Vancouver for business or pleasure?

The lil lady is actually a general practitioner recruiter for our area, you wanna job? Ill hook ya up ;)

After you meat Splinty @Splinty



Feb 11, 2018
women should'n't have the vote, in every country that gives it to them, they have become a welfare state within 2 generations and wives quit caring about their husbands, cause they know that they can use the state to support themselves.. I'm all for abortion, but no way anyone but the woman should be paying for it. she can fix it with $500 and a trip to mexico. Includes plane fare and a night in a motel there. So if we have to give up abortion rights in order to fix the other problems caused by women, I'm all for banning abortion. wtf would we have done with 50 million people since Roe vs wade, whose own mothers didn't want them ? until anti abortionists cough up 1/2 million $ each needed to properly raise a kid in the US, they should stfu. The same aholes would ban contraception and that would have meant another 100 million wastes of oxygen