Dillashaw: Faber 'crossed the line' with PED talk

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

During the run up to UFC 199 and in the course of promoting that fight, Faber proclaimed he'd "smoke" Dillashaw if they ever fought. Worse, he suggested Dillashaw could've been using performance-enhancing drugs during his career and had recently been forced to stop. "He looks like a prepubescent little teenager right now because USADA came in," Faber said in April.

That left Dillashaw in the bizarre position of not only rooting against Cruz, but Faber as well.

"It's just crazy for me to say that because I didn't think there'd be any time in my life ever that'd I'd be not only rooting against Faber - especially against Cruz - but he just crossed the line, man. He stepped the boundaries with the stuff he said, the kind of person he became. Like I said, it was childish and it actually kinda hurt my feelings, man. I really don't feel like I've done anything to deserve it, just because I'm training elsewhere and following my career and doing what I think is best for myself. It's kinda crazy for him to badmouth me.

"Also for him to come out with some outlandish s--t to say to me and Cruz were on PEDs," he continued. "That's bad mouthing my career. That's putting a bad taste in people's mouth about my name. That kinda crossed the line with me."

Whether one is interested in this dispute or not, it's unlikely to stop. The pair could fight at some point in the near future. And in any case, Dillashaw said he hasn't reached out to Faber to seek even a cease fire, much less a truce. Their dispute is bound to continue.

"At this point, no," Dillashaw said regarding whether he's tried to talk to Faber privately. "Everyone's got their own story. He probably believes something else, but I don't feel like it's my fault to apologize.

"I'm hoping he feels he's done the wrong, but who knows?"

LINK: T.J. Dillashaw argues Urijah Faber 'crossed the line' after recent comments


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
I'd love to know what all them Alpha Males got up to PED wise. They might acuse each other left and right but teams like that I can imagine it's easy to share needles.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
No he isnt. Faber gave these guys a life and a shot and they fucked him when they thought the grass was greener.
Just because he has a culty setup doesn't mean he's anything more than an employer, employees are allowed to change jobs as they wish aren't they? Faber got butt hurt and started throwing shit that's fierce snakey to me.


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
Just because he has a culty setup doesn't mean he's anything more than an employer, employees are allowed to change jobs as they wish aren't they? Faber got butt hurt and started throwing shit that's fierce snakey to me.

This snakey?


Posting Machine
Apr 9, 2015
Its just a matter of time before a fighter sues another for PED allegations. Its not my area of expertise but accusing a pro athlete of doping is defamation 101 unless you can prove it.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Just because he has a culty setup doesn't mean he's anything more than an employer, employees are allowed to change jobs as they wish aren't they? Faber got butt hurt and started throwing shit that's fierce snakey to me.
IIRC, Urijah didn't say anything for a while after TJ left and both he and Duane started talking mad shit. Urijah didn't really tell his side until after Duane did an interview telling a completely different story.

But I agree they should just let it go. So a guy you trained for a while took an opportunity somewhere else... who cares? That's life. Live and let live. Sometimes investments don't pan out.

They're probably hanging out laughing right now as they hype up their fight and get a payday.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
IIRC, Urijah didn't say anything for a while after TJ left and both he and Duane started talking mad shit. Urijah didn't really tell his side until after Duane did an interview telling a completely different story.
The way I remember it Faber said some stuff and Ludwig went on the fighter and the kid to clear the air.

But I agree they should just let it go. So a guy you trained for a while took an opportunity somewhere else... who cares? That's life. Live and let live. Sometimes investments don't pan out.

They're probably hanging out laughing right now as they hype up their fight and get a payday.
Hopefully that's smarter than this bullshit.


Jun 7, 2016
We will never know the truth about PEDS until the individual gets caught.Cycle out of whack,early morning knock on the door.Love to see these two settle this little squabble!

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
Faber did cross the line, in my opinion. Even worse, he did the "I didn't say anything about PEDs (but seriously, PEDs)" thing. TJ might have started the problems, but Faber really made the trash talk with TJ personal. I remember the Bang interview and he wasn't exactly a saint about things either.

I just want Faber and TJ to fight so we can be done with all of this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
Just shows how two faced Faber is, one day talking about how "Clean" his gym is, the next making allegations about the fighter he mentored was using PED's . Did think it was quite funny when Cruz called him on it. Then a very short time after one of his TAM's top fighters gets popped for a banned substance, almost karma happening there. Call out someone for PED's, it's going to come back and get ya one day.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Faber may make PED allegations but his real offence is wearing a flat packed cap.

Amirite @blank?
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Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I know you can't say "because this one got caught, the rest are or were using", but we just witnessed one from this team get nailed on a test.
Also, that fighter and the skidmark interview with Bang was so ridiculous......


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Faber is the real snake.
I think at this point the entire concept of what TAM is and how it was built is lost on fans...

Faber is a godfather, Dillashaw should cross himself when he says his name


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I think at this point the entire concept of what TAM is and how it was built is lost on fans...

Faber is a godfather, Dillashaw should cross himself when he says his name
Nah a lot of adventure centres are run like cults too.

"come work with us we'll pay you fuck all but it's cool sometimes we BBQ food for staff, lifestyle maaan lifestyle"
"But I did the math you made thousands today and I barely got minimum wage"
"Lifestyle maaan lifestyle"
"Suck my dick you fuck, I'm out"

TAM fucking reeks of that same horseshit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
Faber comes across as all buddy buddy with his fighters and coaches. Then the day they decide to leave or have an issue with him, damn he's like a scorned crazy ex that caught you cheating with her sister and best friend at the same time.

I keep wondering what will happen if PVZ ever ends up leaving TAM to go train with more female fighters. I bet there will be LOTS of crap that is said about her. Not to mention Faber will go off the deep end.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Nah a lot of adventure centres are run like cults too.

"come work with us we'll pay you fuck all but it's cool sometimes we BBQ food for staff, lifestyle maaan lifestyle"
"But I did the math you made thousands today and I barely got minimum wage"
"Lifestyle maaan lifestyle"
"Suck my dick you fuck, I'm out"

TAM fucking reeks of that same horseshit.
I saw untold amounts of sometimes hilarious sometimes brobarf garbage of video of the TAM neighbrhood & family lifestyle, those guys are bro camp level 1000 for a decade now, TJ and others can downplay it now like Urijah is just a business shark all along but the hilarious creepy bro family of metro hillbilly midgets and their Jesus on test leader are like family, going way back, its all documented


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I saw untold amounts of sometimes hilarious sometimes brobarf garbage of video of the TAM neighbrhood & family lifestyle, those guys are bro camp level 1000 for a decade now, TJ and others can downplay it now like Urijah is just a business shark all along but the hilarious creepy bro family of metro hillbilly midgets and their Jesus on test leader are like family, going way back, its all documented
Yuup culty as fuck.


First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
Can we see some side by side pics of TJ to see if he passes "the smell test"? I wouldn't be shocked to hear TJ used. That's not a shot against him, it's just where we are today. There isn't one fighter that I would be surprised to hear they are using or have used in the past. If I were an athlete at the highest level and stood to gain or lose tons of money, I would look for an advantage too if I thought everyone else was.