Downtown restaurant ordered to pay $10K after black man was asked to 'pre-pay' for food
"The restaurant in question was ordered to pay Wickham $10,000 as compensation for infringing on his human rights and for injury to his feelings, self-respect and dignity. The tribunal said the restaurant did not offer a credible non-discriminatory reason for what occurred, and found that Wickham was racially profiled by employees."
This was at a Chinese restaurant.
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, it is shitty that they were obviously racially profiled. On the other hand, the phrase "injury to his feelings" is a little cringe-worthy. This human rights tribune has also handed out stiff fines to several comedians for using crass language against hecklers.
"The restaurant in question was ordered to pay Wickham $10,000 as compensation for infringing on his human rights and for injury to his feelings, self-respect and dignity. The tribunal said the restaurant did not offer a credible non-discriminatory reason for what occurred, and found that Wickham was racially profiled by employees."
This was at a Chinese restaurant.
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, it is shitty that they were obviously racially profiled. On the other hand, the phrase "injury to his feelings" is a little cringe-worthy. This human rights tribune has also handed out stiff fines to several comedians for using crass language against hecklers.