Some people call him weird or crazy. Personally, I think he's highly intelligent and walks to the beat of his own drum, and I can respect that. Been a fan of his for a while now. Good post, Josh.
Definitely respect his fighting. He does seem intelligent in other interviews that I've seen. I respect people marching to the beat of their own drum. I have even grown to like being around hippies. To each their own. However, if I seen him walking down the beach talking to himself I might decide to not ask him for an autograph or picture. I would not want the universe to tell him to hit me with a spinning backfist.
He has impressed me with his fighting and personality. I think I was more impressed with his 2nd fight against Mo, even though I think that fight should've been a draw or a slight edge for Mo, Newton really showed he belongs in the top 10 at LHW. Unpredictable is the new era!