General EZ Pass text scam

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Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Why on earth would anyone live in a state with toll roads? They built one here and it was a massive flop because no one uses it.


Posting Machine
Jun 14, 2021
I got one yesterday. I haven't been through a toll in over twenty years. I gave them my social security and credit card number just in case.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I've been getting a ton of these for weeks.

Also still get the ones supposedly from the post office (or UPS or DHL) saying my parcel has arrived, but they need $$$ for something or other.

I get a lot from supposed recruiters looking to fill job roles...though these are almost never from phone numbers. They're text messages from obviously fake or hacked email accounts.

I've gotten a few lately that don't even have a message, but just a file attachment.

I feel like there's another type I've been getting lately, too...can't remember off the top of my head.

I block every address or number, then report it as spam.


First 200ish
Feb 9, 2015
I was at the DMV a few weeks ago and there was a lady there asking about this message. She hasn't been through a toll in years but thought that the message might be valid. She didn't believe the employee who said it was spam and wanted to hear it from a manager

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
Life hack:

They don't enforce toll collection.

If you don't use credit, there's no point paying.

I still do though. Goddamn father raised me to be an honest man. Asshole lol.