Frank Mir not considering retirement

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

The location of the punch certainly made a difference, but Mir did not no-sell Hunt's power. It's very legit, he said.

"By far the hardest punch I've ever received in my career," Mir said. "Immediately, I felt like I was under water. The lights were on, but for a good 10 to 15 seconds the room spun."

On the post-fight show, FOX Sports analyst Brian Stann, a former UFC fighter himself, said that Mir had nothing left to prove in MMA and is already proven as an excellent color commentator and broadcaster. Stann intimated that it wouldn't be the worst idea for Mir to retire and that was a point echoed by many pundits.

"I fought Mark Hunt and I got caught with a shot that he threw," Mir said. "That's kind of like getting caught by a submission by me. It's kind of a list of guys. Had he pulled guard and armbarred me, maybe I would have thought about retiring."

Stann was correct in saying he has nothing to prove, but Mir said that's not why he competes in MMA in the first place.

"I didn't have anything to prove to begin with to anybody else," Mir said. "I didn't start out doing this because I wanted to win awards or titles. I like martial arts, I like training, I like the lifestyle. I want to constantly get better. Why not just keep fighting? Until I get told that I can't anymore, then I'll move on."

LINK: Frank Mir says referee made 'good stoppage' in Mark Hunt fight, not considering retirement


TMMAC's Most Handsome Artist
Jan 26, 2016
The comments about the ref getting it right further highlight why I've never stopped rooting for Mir :)


Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
As long as he starts taking the new brain health testing out there to make sure he's not a red flag, he should be able to do as he pleases, but even then they aren't all-encompassing yet but getting better.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
frank looked terrible .if he is not going to retire he needs a step down in competition level. all of the top ten wreck that version of mir.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
the hardest he has ever been hit.. damn. respect mir and hunt. warriors.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I think the subtext to what Stann said was "you've taken WAY too much head trauma, you're not going to be champion again so please retire while you can still remember your name", only he chose to say it in a much more respectful, diplomatic way.

Fighters are often too tough for their own good, too much pride and ego to admit they're done. He's racked up 15 years of fighting, all the head trauma of bouts and sparring, plus 8 KO losses - some of which were incredibly brutal. Even in victory getting stomped by Wes Sims, seriously rocked by Nogueira, ect.

I don't think we're as sensitive to CTE in MMA because where it's a new sport, we haven't seen a lot of high profile fighters age into their 50s and 60s. But I think we're in a rude awakening. When I see a boxer Mir's age with a similar amount of punishment, I get nervous.


Feb 14, 2015
One of the most up and down fighters ever. His career from fight to fight looks like an EKG readout. So many times I thought he was done for good. After the string of losses ending with the Overeem fight, for the latest instance.

Then he starches Big Foot and Duffee back to back. Looks like a resurgence: Frank is back yet again. But he loses a close one to AA, which wasn't the greatest fight, though he didn't he get beat up. And then gets clubbed into Bolivia by Hunt.

Who knows with this guy. He's been fighting a long time, but I'm sure he wants as big a nest egg he can get before he hangs 'em up. It looks like he can still beat the mid-tier guys, and be competitive with the top 10 given the right matchup. Top 5, doubtful anymore. Which makes him kind of a gatekeeper at this point.

One final hurrah fight would be nice. Against who though? Rematch with Barnett or Arlovski maybe?


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
Maybe retirement isn't an option he's looking for. But he certainly needs to take it to the mat more often! He is the most dangerous jiu-jitsu player in the heavyweight division. Frank why aren't you playing to your strengths?


Feb 9, 2016

He's done. Steroids were all he had to keep him going, and I'm not convinced he's actually off them. Pretty sure he just knows how to do math.


Feb 21, 2015
He's not one of these morons who can only fight. He's a smart guy, and he looked like a doughy blob out there.


Feb 14, 2015
Fighters almost never retire at the right time. Sooo rare, like Halley's comet on your birthday or something.