Already planned on it. I don't miss marvel films. ('Cept im3, had a feeling on that one. Turned out right.)I'm not going to spoil anything. I am just a geek who's seen more comic book movies than most and would recommend that everyone see this movie in theaters and COMMAND every geek to see this movie in theaters at their earliest convenience.
Cool, go see it as soon as possible.Ok, so I'm not a huge comic book guy, and haven't gotten deep into the super hero genre of movies in the last decade.
How does this stack up with the non-comic demographic?
I saw avatar in imax 3d. That shit was tight. Might have to tighten the ol' belt and spring for that again.Cool, go see it as soon as possible.
Avatar was the last time I felt like this -- it's entirely worth the price of admission. Great value, for sure.
Nice. Gonna go see it next weekend i think. Gettin' a lil' hype right now.Yeah, I saw it in IMAX 3D last night.
It's not often, but sometimes you have to go all out and appreciate how far we've come, technologically. The movie is an experience.
Did you stay for both end credits scenes?Just got home from the theatre.
I thought Cumberbatch was awesome! The visuals were some of the best in recent memory. I wish McAdams was in it more but I love her so I'm a little biased there.
There's just one more stone to go! Adam Warlock FTW! I'm so fucking excited for the future of the mcu.I did.
I couldn't imagine. I thought I was tripping balls when he took his first astral journey and I was stone cold sober.
Well, stark was cocky in the "imma fuck yo bitch in front of you" kinda way at first, and over time became more like he is in the movies. Rdj's portrayal is spot on for modern tony.Most of the complaints for Dr Strange I've read is that he and Tony are too similar.
@Alienator you're a bigger Marvel guy than I, now I remember Strange was a cocky jerk in the comics but was Stark too or was that more RDJ playing it that way in the movies?
I was sober, as well, but I know @Alienator would appreciate the advice.I couldn't imagine. I thought I was tripping balls when he took his first astral journey and I was stone cold sober.