Athletic ability for "days".....i went to hs with a future NBA "6th" man type and he lit up the high schools in NJ....dunking over Elizabeth nj players, just amazed that anyone could be more athletic and he would be an after thoughtI worked an event at the NBA all star game in Houston.
In 10 minutes I saw just about every famous basketball player I grew up watching short of Jordan.
I couldn't believe how insanely big everyone was. Seriously, the size of basketball players is just astonishing when you're standing there in front of them at barely 6' and 190 soaking wet.
Scales of skills. My friends and I thought we were REALLY good at Basketball until we played in a tournament. We thought the guys that beat us were gonna win the whole thing they beat us so badly... they got crushed the next round.Athletic ability for "days".....i went to hs with a future NBA "6th" man type and he lit up the high schools in NJ....dunking over Elizabeth nj players, just amazed that anyone could be more athletic and he would be an after thought
We had this thread on sherdog and resulted in shaq being ruled a manlet the yao ming being manleted by sun ming ming and robert wadlow being ruled the alpha.just doesnt look like it when standing next to Charles Barkley and Shaq
Pain and gain was an awesome movie BTW.
I beat him in a game of horse that didn't involve basketball.I beat Antoine Walker in a game of horse. Winning shot was going around the back flip off the glass.
I beat Antoine Walker in a game of horse. Winning shot was going around the back flip off the glass.
his name is Calvin lane he is supposed to be 7'6"Who is that?
He's a bouncer if I remember correctly and from all accounts a really nice dude. At 7'6 and well over 400 pounds I don't think he'd have to tell people to calm down more than once.Who is that?
Calvin Lane vs Chuck Norrishis name is Calvin lane he is supposed to be 7'6"