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Anybody ever dealt with gout? A few days ago I woke up with an intense pain in my left big toe I thought my foot was broke. Went to the doc he did xrays and I had no broken bones. He ran some blood tests and was diagnosed with gout. This shit sucks the pain is intense but worse of all doc told me red meat meat and beer triggers gout attacks.
Apr 3, 2015
maybe should have ate some veggies over the last decade no?!?!

OP loves his steak and port wine.

but that honestly really sucks man. Gout is no laughing matter... painful shit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
Dayum, that sux, sorry to hear, I have friends with it

My understanding from them, please double-check it:

You shouldn't drink ANY alcohol, as it inhibits the body from passing the uric acid

No shellfish, nothing high in protein like turkey, no beans, no red meat (you already know about)

Check purine levels in food, avoid high purine levels, eat low purine foods, btw, all foods have purine

Drink lots of water to flush your body

Those are the general bullet points, there are a few more finer points/tips

Good luck

EDIT: cherries seem to be universally agreed upon as being effective in helping during a gout attack

Usual meds: allopurinol to lower uric acid level, indomethacin - pain killer and anti-inflammortory, some dr's prescription e colchicine - nasty side effect diarrhea, but helps to flush body