Great Britain>USA

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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Here's what I think.

*First I am drunk, so tune out faggots...

So when I see badasses like Bronson and uhh....GPSYES, yeah, those dudes are badass.
So that's what I expect around here.
Nut around here, the closest thing we get is blacks, who just snap and suckerpunch, there is no "honor" or "code", it's just go.
But in those Islands over there, I mean, all the best bands(Led Zeppelin, Beatles whatever), all the coolest actors(Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler) and those kinds of guys are from there.
Videos I see of good fights are way better that your average Joe around here.
I am disappointed with gay america.

The fact of the matter is, if I was training everyone, I'd just refer everyone around me to the british Isles.
You guys are like Russians that speak english.

So here's to King George


But if you come for my guns, my chunky ass will shoot the fuck outta you


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
And black chicks with a british accent are smokin


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
And the best chick?

Cate Clanchett
Even Batman is british right?
Ewan Macgregor...and Clive Owen, those guys are cool.

So over here we got Denzel and Redford, but Redford is like 700, so who's next?
We have nobody.
Nobody is as cool as Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, or anything. We got a buncha gay faggots with purple hair and computers.
Somebody help me cuz I may have to step up for America, and if I'm the last hope, God help us all....


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
haha but

this teenage jailbait hits this kinds Sara McMann shizizz


I agree

A thread for @nick diaz nut hugger

Although I'm in Aus now...I ain't Un Anglais

Ready to fire...Please Americanos.. Stay with me...I love you too.

Canadians need not worry....They are beyond awesome.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Mr sparkuri, I have lived in both countries and can say the following, which can be considered informative or not informative:

Who won the following fights:
Iaquinta vs Pearson
Lentz vs Andre winner
Hardy vs condit
Bisping vs rockhold
Bisping vs Chael
Bisping vs Tim Kennedy
Bisping vs Henderson
Bisping vs rashad


Mr sparkuri, I have lived in both countries and can say the following, which can be considered informative or not informative:

Who won the following fights:
Iaquinta vs Pearson
Lentz vs Andre winner
Hardy vs condit
Bisping vs rockhold
Bisping vs Chael
Bisping vs Tim Kennedy
Bisping vs Henderson
Bisping vs rashad
Why does this matter?


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Mr sparkuri, I have lived in both countries and can say the following, which can be considered informative or not informative:

Who won the following fights:
Iaquinta vs Pearson
Lentz vs Andre winner
Hardy vs condit
Bisping vs rockhold
Bisping vs Chael
Bisping vs Tim Kennedy
Bisping vs Henderson
Bisping vs rashad

Honestly, every time I see Iaquinta I think about banana's.

Did the rest of them win?

Where's Vitor?


Everytime I see Al Iaquinta I think he should have a helmet on with people butting eachother saying COMMONNNNNNN GIT EM

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Honestly, every time I see Iaquinta I think about banana's.

Did the rest of them win?

Where's Vitor?
All American wins, though the Brits (where I live now) kicked the fuck out of the Americans in that one year of tuf........oh, and you can't call on mcgregor as he has nothing to do with the U.K.

Iaquinta is the greatest, Conor won't call him out because he knows what's up......


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
So to wrap this up, Vitor is the greatest.

You may ask how can sparkuri and teamquestnorth should legally be able to troll for Vitor, and that's your right. (At least in this country)


It all matters, you've just showed that you are actually a Bisping nut's ok though, someone has to like him.......

Ahhhhh..I knew this was coming.

No arguments I swear.

Few questions and I will answer all yours.

Where are you from and where do you reside?

How long have you watched UFC.... LOL

WHY OH WHY do you think your opinion matters?

Try being part of the forums before you smoke your last toke....Meth is for pro's.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Ahhhhh..I knew this was coming.

No arguments I swear.

Few questions and I will answer all yours.

Where are you from and where do you reside? East coast u.s.

How long have you watched UFC.... LOL - consistently since 2001 when my friend gave me his de-scrambler

WHY OH WHY do you think your opinion matters? It doesn't

Try being part of the forums before you smoke your last toke....Meth is for pro's - never tried meth.
Contained within the quoted post


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

LOL @ this American tragedy.
I tis a joke that no one is here to defend Allison,