The amount of disinformation going around on this one is astounding.
First, I'm a test hard or don't test at all proponent and one of the two is never going to happen so once you have a policy, do your job and up your personal or managerial vigilance, this isn't a Rookie fighter who can't afford someone to check, this is Machida.
There's DHEA and there's 7-KETO DHEA, Machida listed something with 7-KETO-DHEA in it and it flagged the USADA process.
It's been banned since at least 2012, DHEA a decade before that. So Machida's assertion that it has been "Recently Banned" is kind of absurd and operates on the premise he has never looked at that list or anyone around him to make sure his health conscious consumption conforms.
Whether or not it should be on the banned list used by USADA, is irrelevant, it's there for whatever reason flawed or not, they found a reason, however debatable its inclusion is, it is there. WADA/USADA put substances on monitoring lists every year and they either leave them there, take them off and let them go or ban them at the end of the year. I don't get how any pro athlete, especially when their new testing regiment was so publicized, hasn't been made aware of this, and even then IT WAS BANNED IN 2012 AT THE LATEST. Sharapova can also protest all she likes, someone fucked up or she flaunted the testing playing chicken with it, I don't get how multi-million dollar athletes two decades into testing overall, can claim incompetence and ignorance. You're playing Russian Roulette, pun not intended, with your career.
Again, I'll say it, I don't care what they take, but they've committed to testing, the point is moot, but I'm also less interested in the Swiss Cheese situation they had before with gaps and non-testing jurisdictions.
I'm just trying to put some facts out after doing some research and discussing out there.