General InclusionBot, really?

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Posting Machine
Aug 13, 2024

You may be wondering what "18F" is. It is a GSA-run tech office that "builds, buys, and shares" technology across all agencies. Of course, their role went well beyond that simple descriptor, with 18F dictating everything from the language used to how all federal meetings were conducted so as to promote "diversity and inclusion." That's how the country ended up with an "inclusion bot" hounding employees about using terms like "grandfathered" and "guys." Yes, you're taxpayer dollars were paying to maintain an Orwellian bot that told people have to speak.

Remember that viral video from 2022 of Kamala Harris telling people at a meeting that her pronouns are "she and her" and that she's "wearing a blue suit?" That was the doing of 18F's policies.
Un-fucking-believable. More details in this X thread:



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Lol this is where your tax dollars are going.. While the government got the left to blame billionaires for the average persons poor economic outlook.. They were blowing through your tax dollars with garbage like this.