VID Independent Contractors and Regulations Therein

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Feb 9, 2016
We all seem to accept that fighters are independent contractors. This goes incredibly deep when you consider the lengths that the UFC goes to verify this ("fight kits" instead of uniforms, for example).

I'd like for a moment to present this video, which is not new by any means, and which features a pro wrestling insider, to try to explain why this needs to change as soon as possible. If you are upset by the fact that it's a pro wrestling base, just imagine that he says "pro fighter" instead of "pro wrestler." It's quite poignant, I think.

The part I'd like you to pay attention to is the end when Mr. Douglas discusses how they (wrestlers) "should have fought harder" to PROVE that pro wrestlers were employees and not independent contractors. I think he makes a very intelligent point, and one that absolutely needs to be brought into the conversation of MMA.

Thank you for your time.


member 3289

Uniforms, video games, random drug testing

A lot to ask for from someone who is "independent".

Uber couldn't even get away with it but the UFC can? Something is wrong.


Feb 9, 2016
Uniforms, video games, random drug testing

A lot to ask for from someone who is "independent".

Uber couldn't even get away with it but the UFC can? Something is wrong.
Don't even get me started on fighters signing away their likeness rights. That's one thing that I completely agree with Luke Thomas about, and I am loathe to admit any similarities between the two of us. Fighters need to stand up now. If not, as Mr. Douglas points out with pro wrestling, they may never get the chance.

Thank you for your input and time.


We all seem to accept that fighters are independent contractors. This goes incredibly deep when you consider the lengths that the UFC goes to verify this ("fight kits" instead of uniforms, for example).

I'd like for a moment to present this video, which is not new by any means, and which features a pro wrestling insider, to try to explain why this needs to change as soon as possible. If you are upset by the fact that it's a pro wrestling base, just imagine that he says "pro fighter" instead of "pro wrestler." It's quite poignant, I think.

The part I'd like you to pay attention to is the end when Mr. Douglas discusses how they (wrestlers) "should have fought harder" to PROVE that pro wrestlers were employees and not independent contractors. I think he makes a very intelligent point, and one that absolutely needs to be brought into the conversation of MMA.

Thank you for your time.

Lots of legality that just doesn't occur to a person like me naturally. Once it's brought up, it gets me thinking. Thanks for sharing homie.