I think the faction still has a lot of potential. Bo always got a bad shake on the main roster, but was great in his early NXT days (a former NXT champ).
The dropped the ball with the Sicks / Gable / American Made & Alpha groups, IMO. Otis shoulda got a chance to destroy Gable and it never happened. Sicks laid out American Made and it was pretty cathartic, but they came back right away, which wasn't a good way to put over Sicks beyond their debut match.
Compounded with that, American Made was constantly on tv, yet Sicks wasn't. Shoulda been the opposite.
Sicks going after Miz / Final Testament makes sense, but the problem is with Sicks' entire theme.
Their idea was that they were a family, gave a home to those that needed a family, and target people that turn on family. That's why they went after Gable.
Thing is, you've got Kross / Final Testament being the other side of that coin - trying to split up family. That's what he (Kross) did to New Day, and that's what he did to Miz. Problem is that Sicks is getting involved with the *least* like family on the roster in Miz & Truth. Why is Sicks rectifying *that* wrong when it's the least of them all?
New Day is way more of a family. So why did Sicks sit back and let Kross / FT break them up and only get involved once Miz & Truth (who haven't been relevant in months) became a thing?
More importantly, if Sicks is gonna be on Raw, why are they not getting involved with Judgement Day? JD as a whole turning on Priest & Rhea is way more of a "family" betrayal than Miz & Truth. But then again, Priest & Rhea almost routinely beat JD, so Sicks getting involved wouldn't fit them as babyfaces.
The the *real* elephant in the room is if Sicks *is* there to rectify family betrayal...why isn't their #1 top target the Bloodline, which is the epitome of family betrayal in virtually every way and at every level?
Not that I think Sicks & Bloodline should be feuding...but from a storyline perspective considering Sicks' supposed theme & motivation, it makes zero sense, which only hurts their long-term credibility, as well as ability to invest in their characters.