General Jacksonian interpretation of current events

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Posting Machine
Aug 13, 2024

Bit of a different lens of viewing today's political climate, rather than D vs. R. Interesting reading.


Posting Machine
Nov 18, 2023
Interesting read. He kind of touched on one of things I'm always thinking about. The entities that have the drive to be involved in politics are also the ones that are inclined to mess things up. Most people have no interest in telling people what to do, they would rather everyone worry about their own affairs. So what happens then, the nutcases and the fascists end up in government, at every level from the top of the federal system right down to the local school board. So when the normal people wake up, band together and make a change it has to be drastic and things need to be torn down so then when the nutcases and fascists inevitably get in control once more they have to spend generations building it all up again.