Society Just had a Parking Lot Altercation with a Trump Supporter

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member 3289

Was trying to park in front of a Publix (grocery store chain in the southeast US). Now this particular Publix is always fucking busy, so the parking lot is always full.

Picture for reference:

I'm driving slowly through one of the lanes when I stop briefly to see if someone is leaving as people are constantly coming and going.

A guy to my right in a Toyota Prius or some gay shit and with two Trump bumper stickers starts backing out. He's too close to back out without hitting me. I honk my horn and try to back up a little bit (thinking he hadn't seen me), but I'm still too close for comfort and there's someone behind me (these are narrow, one-way parking lanes).

He starts backing out again. Now I slam on my horn. Then the fucking guy surprises me. He actually gets out of his car. He mouths "fuck you" and does a hand gesture. I am gesturing my hand in a "You may as well just fucking go now that you've already backed out most of the way". I also had a little smile on my face and was motioning with my left hand to open the door and get out. I never instigate fights, but I'm a country boy at heart so I sure as shit don't back down from them either.

After seeing that I was 15-20 years his junior (not sure if he could see this but I also had at least 50 pounds on the guy), he, like most Trump supporters, is all bark and no bite and gets back into his car.

As we near the end of the lane, I slam on my horn again for at least 10 straight seconds. The guy predictably drives off and does nothing.

I'm 100% sure one of my fellow left-leaning citizens would have just let me pass before backing out. That would be the normal thing to do to avoid an accident.

tl;dr - Trump has created an entire demographic of loudmouth pussies who think they're tough.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Dude I had a road rage today too. Mine was with a woman tho. Was returning my rental car in a parking garage and I'm at the end trying to make a right turn. 3 fucking cars come the other way and eat up the lane and would have hit me. Then I got mad and took up my lane like I'm entitled and a Chinese or Asian chick nearly hit me and started gobbing off. I told her she's a stupid cunt and she needs to learn to drive.

And I'm the one who's fucking banned!


Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
If you were a real man you would have given him the finger instead of sheepishly acting like a beta by waving ok and letting him shit on you.....

member 3289

If you were a real man you would have given him the finger instead of sheepishly acting like a beta by waving ok and letting him shit on you.....
Like I said, I don't instigate.

Don't know why he would get out of his car though if he had no intention of a physical altercation.

If he had taken even one step towards my car I would've been on the evening news for liberal-on-conservative crime.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

An older smaller guy got out of his car to teach CMNH a lesson. CMNH decided to stay in his car like a little biznitch then honked at him as the senior citizen went on with his day.


member 3289


An older smaller guy got out of his car to teach CMNH a lesson. CMNH decided to stayed in his car like a little biznitch then honked at him as the senior citizen went on with his day.

He got out of his car, made no effort to walk towards me, I motioned towards my door, and he got back in his car and drove away.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
He got out of his car, made no effort to walk towards me, I motioned towards my door, and he got back in his car and drove away.
And just like that the story changes.

According to OP

"He mouths "fuck you" and does a hand gesture. I am gesturing my hand in a "You may as well just fucking go now that you've already backed out most of the way". I also had a little smile on my face and was motioning with my left hand to open the door and get out."

After being called a biznitch

"I motioned towards my door"


Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015

An older smaller guy got out of his car to teach CMNH a lesson. CMNH decided to stayed in his car like a little biznitch then honked at him as the senior citizen went on with his day.


member 3289

And just like that the story changes.

According to OP

"He mouths "fuck you" and does a hand gesture. I am gesturing my hand in a "You may as well just fucking go now that you've already backed out most of the way". I also had a little smile on my face and was motioning with my left hand to open the door and get out."

After being called a biznitch

"I motioned towards my door"

Remember when I challenged you to a fight at the then-scheduled TQN-PW event and you backed out?

I am from the South. My liberal heart will always prefer non-violence, but I don't back down from any fight.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
I love when people pull up beside me because I cut them off or something in traffic and mr or mrs tough guy loses their head full of steam, because they realize there's a big black guy driving. Cracks me up every time.

member 3289

I love when people pull up beside me because I cut them off or something in traffic and mr or mrs tough guy loses their head full of steam, because they realize there's a big black guy driving. Cracks me up every time.
Reminds me of that Bruce-Bruce stand-up when he's talking about road rage. Says something like "If you get out and see a boxed old-school caddy with 20" rims, you better get back in your car, playa" lol.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Was trying to park in front of a Publix (grocery store chain in the southeast US). Now this particular Publix is always fucking busy, so the parking lot is always full.

Picture for reference:

I'm driving slowly through one of the lanes when I stop briefly to see if someone is leaving as people are constantly coming and going.

A guy to my right in a Toyota Prius or some gay shit and with two Trump bumper stickers starts backing out. He's too close to back out without hitting me. I honk my horn and try to back up a little bit (thinking he hadn't seen me), but I'm still too close for comfort and there's someone behind me (these are narrow, one-way parking lanes).

He starts backing out again. Now I slam on my horn. Then the fucking guy surprises me. He actually gets out of his car. He mouths "fuck you" and does a hand gesture. I am gesturing my hand in a "You may as well just fucking go now that you've already backed out most of the way". I also had a little smile on my face and was motioning with my left hand to open the door and get out. I never instigate fights, but I'm a country boy at heart so I sure as shit don't back down from them either.

After seeing that I was 15-20 years his junior (not sure if he could see this but I also had at least 50 pounds on the guy), he, like most Trump supporters, is all bark and no bite and gets back into his car.

As we near the end of the lane, I slam on my horn again for at least 10 straight seconds. The guy predictably drives off and does nothing.

I'm 100% sure one of my fellow left-leaning citizens would have just let me pass before backing out. That would be the normal thing to do to avoid an accident.

tl;dr - Trump has created an entire demographic of loudmouth pussies who think they're tough.

member 3289

This is how the fight would have gone if he hadn't scurried back into his car (just replace the black guy with a middle-aged Trump supporter and imagine the chubby redneck as taller and slimmer):


member 3289

^I also wouldn't have landed so many unnecessary punches once I saw the guy was out.

I am a liberal at heart.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Fake news, there is no such thing as a Trumpeteer that drives a fucking prius or shops at Publix. If you had said a Trump supporter driving a F-350 taking up 2 spots in the front of Wal Mart your story would be believable.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Or if you said the Trump supporter had double parked the Dodge Charger his dad bought him in front of a clinic specializing in penis enlargements. That would have been more believable.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I didn't even think about that.

What kind of self respecting Trump fan would drive around in a homo Prius? I had to rent a Nissan Sentra the past few weeks and I was embarrassed, the only way I could do it was by pretending it was my 370z retarded cousin and I had to play nice