Man robs bank and asks teller to place money in his bank account

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

Paul Neaverson
By: Wayne Morin

A would be bank robber was caught after he asked the teller to place the money in his bank account.

61-year-old Paul Neaverson of the United Kingdom, walked into NatWest in Rainham, Kent, where he pulled a knife from his pocket and held it at the neck of the bank teller.

He demanded money, but he did not take it with him. Instead, he demanded that the female teller deposit the cash directly into his personal checking account.

The Maidstone Crown Court heard that when the woman pressed the panic button, Neaverson fled to a nearby HSBC bank, where he attempted another armed robbery.

However, he fled without money after the teller said that she did not have the 500 pounds ($760) he demanded.

Neaverson was caught and arrested.

His defense attorney, Danny Moore, said that Neaverson was a law-abiding citizen all his life and he was never in trouble before.

The court heard how Neaverson told police that he needed money to book a flight to Corfu, Greece, where he had an interview for a job to become a golf coach.

Neaverson pleaded guilty to two attempted robberies and possession of a knife. He was sentenced to two years in prison.


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
2 years in prison? 10-15 would be more appropriate IMO especially the fact that he held a knife to the bank tellars throat.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
In the checking account hm? Couldn't be bothered loading a prepaid card with actual cash for the ticket purchase? Lmfao lazy. Just lazy :smile: