General Maybe don't support the troops...?

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IQ = 209
Jan 30, 2016
Now don't get me wrong jacked 19 year old boys in uniform definitely get me going, but they aren't heroes or anything. Sure they protect us from the "terrorists" we created in the process of destabalizing the middle east, but when was the last time they protected us from a nation actually waging war on us? Been a while. Alright hear me out here . . . I respect people, but I don't put the members of our military on a pedestal. Just because you got tricked into doing a bunch of morally questionable nonsense for our country does not mean I have to respect you for it. Also I don't think you deserve praise for joining. It doesn't take courage to go your whole life being someone's child only to then sign up to lose the autonomy adulthood would have earned you. Now i'm supposed to innately respect you for signing up to basically have strict parents for 4 years? That's pretty gay dude. Alright i'm gonna drink a few more beers and pass out. I feel like a few of you dumbasses might be ex marines or something and just know I don't respect you go eat some fucking crayola or something.


Dec 16, 2023
Hey guys, I think Taylor Swift songs SUCK. Every last one of them. Anyone disagree?


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I've never met service members years in that command respect, or even ask for.
Generally at some point they get PTSD, or are injured in some way, then graduate to the fact they were duped & are just trying to cope, and appreciate gestures when received.
It's less 'fightig for their country' and more 'fighting for my brothers in the shit'.

This is what blue-haired activist don't get.

The glamorization of pretty much everything that unites or divides a people, is deliberately creating different perspectives on the same thing.

I feel sorry for servicemembers.
The discipline & camaraderie they sought was wrapped in lies, every time.

The only people that don't seem to face retribution are those that erect obelisks.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Hey guys, I think Taylor Swift songs SUCK. Every last one of them. Anyone disagree?
They are pretty simple and easy for children to cling on to. In my opinion, only children can like her songs. If you’re an adult who turns her songs up on the radio and sings to them, you’re a huge loser

steroid to heaven

Colonize the Sun
Dec 23, 2015
Hey guys, I think Taylor Swift songs SUCK. Every last one of them. Anyone disagree?

i am not a fan, but its less annoying than rap and hiphop

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
Taylor Swift is a Tranny. Saw it on a NAPA callender. She was the February 2024 model. She's packing. That guy on the KC Chiefs (Mr. Pfizer) likes it in the backfield. After Swifty, he ain't no longer a tight end. It flaps like sleeve of wizard. Makes sound like: "Pssssthweeeeeeepoooooop!"