Miocic angry over contract issues

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

Stipe Miocic is a man of few words. So when he says he is irritated with something, people tend to take notice.

The UFC heavyweight champion on Monday revealed that he was deeply frustrated with the UFC after discovering that he earned a smaller payday than his challenger at UFC 203, Alistair Overeem, despite the entire event being built around Miocic defending his title in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.

“[It’s] terrible,” Miocic said on The MMA Hour. “Things definitely need to be changed. Something’s gotta change. It’s not really fair.”

“I just felt like I was kinda crapped on a little bit,” Miocic said. “I try to do things right and work with them, and they just didn’t give me a great deal. That’s my own fault, but also they knew what they were doing. They took my kindness for weakness.

“They told me it was the best deal they could do, and I said, oh okay, great. And then come to find out, it wasn’t.”

Miocic angry over contract issues, says UFC ‘took my kindness for weakness’


Nov 15, 2015
Alistair is way more popular than Miochick thus should be paid more
Well he was definitelysmarter aARthe bargaining table.

He parlayed his k-1 & Strikeforce contracts into a good UFC contract. Remember when he was Dana's BFF, then Dana shit all over him? That's when you knew he was "in negotiations" lol...


John Wayne Man in Johnny Depp World
Jun 7, 2016
If Stipe is mad. I am mad.

Seriously though it sucks that here is this nice guy getting shaft meanwhile Conor gets rewarded for being a complete jerk


First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
Alistar signed a big contract when he was regarded as the best in the world. If it wasn't for all the damn testing he would still be the best HW on the planet. I don't know how much Stipe is supposed to get, but I would guarantee that he isn't as well known as Uberreem. It makes sense that Reem gets paid more. By knocking Reem into next week Stipe will be more well known and popular. Keep winning and negotiate a better contract. Don't worry about how much your opponent gets.


Right click hospital, left click cemetery
Dec 4, 2015
Overeem got that $$$ when he fought out his contract and the threat of him leaving to go to Bellator was very real.

I don't know how many fights Stipe has left, but with him being champion I doubt that's an option. Sad.


Jan 16, 2017
it should not make a difference,the champion is the champion and should be treated as such. I perfect example is Nunes got 100 K b4 the win bonus and Rhonda got 3 million..if that was not a conflict of interest since her management company is also the owners of UFC., I don't know what is.
She got smoked against Holmes, takes over a year off and get a title fight without a warmup fight...then they spend hundreds of thousands to make a 3 hour she is back viseo and totally ignore the champ.. The UFC is going down the tubes and fast..


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Overeem got that $$$ when he fought out his contract and the threat of him leaving to go to Bellator was very real.

I don't know how many fights Stipe has left, but with him being champion I doubt that's an option. Sad.
He has the option not to fight as long as he has enough cash to continue on with his life.

And if the ufc projects a net profit to be made from him based on his current contract, then they may wrip it up and give him a piece of that projected profit

If there isn't a piece on the table, they won't offer him a new deal. So he can eithet honor his contract or be strpped eventually. But he will never know if he doesn't play hard ball.

Id imagone speaking in terms of alistair is just for the masses. I'm sure he knows that. Buy the real issue is that he wants a new contract. I'm pulling for him to get it. Good dude


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
it should not make a difference,the champion is the champion and should be treated as such. I perfect example is Nunes got 100 K b4 the win bonus and Rhonda got 3 million..if that was not a conflict of interest since her management company is also the owners of UFC., I don't know what is.
She got smoked against Holmes, takes over a year off and get a title fight without a warmup fight...then they spend hundreds of thousands to make a 3 hour she is back viseo and totally ignore the champ.. The UFC is going down the tubes and fast..
That conflict of interest with WME-IMG being Ronda's management is that she is at risk of being underpaid, not overpaid. For all of Nunes being the champion, the vast, vast, majority of viewers were tuning in to see Ronda's return. She earned that paycheck by building her star power.
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Nov 3, 2015
Alistar signed a big contract when he was regarded as the best in the world. If it wasn't for all the damn testing he would still be the best HW on the planet. I don't know how much Stipe is supposed to get, but I would guarantee that he isn't as well known as Uberreem. It makes sense that Reem gets paid more. By knocking Reem into next week Stipe will be more well known and popular. Keep winning and negotiate a better contract. Don't worry about how much your opponent gets.
Reem had a new contract since that afaik.

New Overeem got that $$$ when he fought out his contract and the threat of him leaving to go to Bellator was very real.
Or the threat of him putting more fire into the Rizin-oven, and getting paid well there. Alistair definitely has good options others don't. I doubt many Japanese know who Stipe is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
Stipe Is Champion and Yes the Cleveland show was built around him.... to an extent. That show was also very much promoted and sold as being CM Punk's first UFC Fight. Now I'm sure Stipe made a lot of PPV coin that came in from that. Also I believe that Overeem's contract is one of the few that pays a the same win or lose. We also don't know if the Reem (because of taking a higher "straight" pay) gets paid any PPV dollars or if he does if it is less than the regular deal the UFC makes. There is many variables to this but in the end, as it was said above... Stipe NEEDS a better Agent.


Apr 18, 2015
Stipe Is Champion and Yes the Cleveland show was built around him.... to an extent. That show was also very much promoted and sold as being CM Punk's first UFC Fight. Now I'm sure Stipe made a lot of PPV coin that came in from that. Also I believe that Overeem's contract is one of the few that pays a the same win or lose. We also don't know if the Reem (because of taking a higher "straight" pay) gets paid any PPV dollars or if he does if it is less than the regular deal the UFC makes. There is many variables to this but in the end, as it was said above... Stipe NEEDS a better Agent.



TMMAC Addict
Jan 31, 2015
Alistar signed a big contract when he was regarded as the best in the world. If it wasn't for all the damn testing he would still be the best HW on the planet. I don't know how much Stipe is supposed to get, but I would guarantee that he isn't as well known as Uberreem. It makes sense that Reem gets paid more. By knocking Reem into next week Stipe will be more well known and popular. Keep winning and negotiate a better contract. Don't worry about how much your opponent gets.
he took a huge risk fighting JDS i believe without renewing his contract, then won the fight and had huge pull in the resign negotiations. Overeem gambled on himself and it paid off.


Jul 20, 2016
That conflict of interest with WME-IMG being Ronda's management is that she is at risk of being underpaid, not overpaid. For all of Nunes being the champion, the vast, vast, majority of viewers were tuning in to see Ronda's return. She earned that paycheck by building her star power.
Question, though. Say they get 10% of that $3m back as her managers. Say you own a business (UFC) that's losing money as a tax write-off. Can't you basically steal from the company that way? I don't really understand all this stuff, but wasn't a tax write-off company the basis of Moonlighting? I mean, I think there is still a conflict even if she's making a lot.

IMO the $3m was really just about trying to prove that Ronda is as big as Conor, nothing else, but still.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Question, though. Say they get 10% of that $3m back as her managers. Say you own a business (UFC) that's losing money as a tax write-off. Can't you basically steal from the company that way? I don't really understand all this stuff, but wasn't a tax write-off company the basis of Moonlighting? I mean, I think there is still a conflict even if she's making a lot.

IMO the $3m was really just about trying to prove that Ronda is as big as Conor, nothing else, but still.
Maybe, someone more savvy on the ins and outs of tax might be able to answer. Either way, Ronda has been underpaid for a while and it's reported that she hasn't negotiated he pay much, just accepting what the UFC offers.


John Wayne Man in Johnny Depp World
Jun 7, 2016
Conor is rewarded for his ability generate more revenue in 3 events more then the entire rest of the roster can do in a year
And what is it about Conor that makes that happen? It's the circus they've built around him. Is he the GOAT? No. At least not yet. It's the show. It is 100% his out of ring performance.
The issue becomes now that they know this is how you get paid are we going to enjoy a roster full of that in about 10 years.

I know smack talk has always and always will be a part of the game. Conor takes it to another level. Beyond smack and into blatant disrespect.

But I digress. The bottom line is the UFC has the ability to market and create stars for any number of reasons. GSP was a draw never a circus. Silva was a draw and not half the circus. Thats my point. Why do they cater to him over the guys that just show up and fight? Because they know the average non MMA fanatic is going to go nuts over a cursing, tatted up, Irish guy. It's why you never hear Miocic on ESPN but Conor can fart and make a headline.