MMA in Pakistan to reduce Terrorism

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May 1, 2015
A few years ago me and my cousin came up with an idea to introduce MMA in Pakistan. Well, we did and my cousin's entire career is built off that sacrifice we made 6 years ago. He fights in ONEFC, and is called the "Godfather of Pakistani MMA." He's got a documentary on VICE and what he's done is pretty crazy. Now the movement he started is expanding to help people and get kids off the street and away from extremists and people who are giving Pakistan a bad name. We're trying to open a gym in a slum in Pakistan. You guys are fans of MMA and some of you are people with good hearts. We're looking for maximum support from the MMA community.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Sounds like a great cause. Best of luck to your cousin in his journey!

Deleted member 1

Hey this seems like a good cause and OF COURSE we know ho Bashir Ahmad is! You should have said his name!

Thanks for the VICE link. You should get Bashir to stop by some time and tell us more about what he's up to and some stories from the ground in Pakistan.