General Most people don't know this about the polio vaccine...

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internet poster

Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
It was a scam.

People credit the polio vaccine as the cure for polio (the last time western medicine cured anything), but it was a game of smoke and mirrors.

Polio is passed on through the feces of a person who is actively infected. As modern plumbing became popularized, polio rates plummeted. Pharmaceutical companies capitalized on this giving people a shot of lord knows what and claiming victory over polio which had primarily been spread in outhouses.

Also, vaccines cause autism in children.


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
The original polio vaccine was contaminated with the SV40 monkey cancer virus, millions of people died from cancer after receiving the vaccine. The statistics were all manipulated to make it appear that the vaccine was effective, and had helped to reduce polio, but in reality it was due to other factors. They also began to rename cases of Polio as Meningitis, which once again helped to reduce Polio numbers.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I was born early 1970.
My step brother was born early 1969.

He had the dime sized vaccine scar on his right deltoid and I did not.

We were both lunatics but he was legit simple, like his brain didn't grow right. His entire life came down to him not understanding things and being pissed about it.
Lifelong criminal in and out of jail.

I always kinda thought that he got poisoned. There were lots of guys just like him growing up. To the point that if you had that same scar I was pretty leery of being around you. Trouble was coming...


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
What the hell are even the vaccine requirements for schools these days