Nate Diaz smokes former agent in court

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Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018

Nate Diaz got a big win heading into his potential UFC comeback.

A Texas judge dismissed a lawsuit last week against the popular UFC fighter that was filed by his former agent, the Ballengee Group, last June, MMA Fighting confirmed Monday. TMZ was the first to report the news.

Ballengee Group was seeking more than $1 million from Diaz, claiming he committed theft, breach of contract and fraud, among other claims.

Ballengee said in the complaint that it helped Diaz negotiate his contract for the UFC 202 fight against Conor McGregor, then Diaz fired them and never paid the company a percentage of his income. Ballengee also said in the complaint that it had advised Diaz in deals for his fights with Michael Johnson and Rafael dos Anjos.

Agent’s lawsuit against Nate Diaz dismissed in Texas



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
Great Newz!

That ain't all Nate's smoking though... any one catch him in the UFC crowd week before last? Lol.... tokin it up!!!

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Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
His former agent will just have to sue in a better state instead of being lazy and staying at home in Texas.