I don't think she caught the falling knife. She acted like a dipshit and is experiencing the repurcussions. And it's not just her - literally THOUSANDS of people that worked on this movie arre getting burned because she's continually acted like a self-entitled twat.She is an idiot, no question. Its a shame, she was decent in that Hunger Games movie. She can sing well. She is not a bad looking gal in her own way. Plenty of actors are dipshits. But she caught the falling knife on woke Hollywood. Had she done this a couple years prior she would be winning awards right now.
However, this movie was going to suck almost no matter what. These live action Disney animation movies are really hit or miss. No one is really asking for them.
Just because others got away with acting stupid doesn't mean she's somehow different. Society just finally fucking caught up.
She's not even the first one from this fucking movie to burn people by running their mouth. Peter Dinklage did it years ago by being a hypocritical dipshit about '"dwarves", ensuring he got himself a job, but his fellow little people actors didn't. That whole "seven magical people" or WTFever it was went over so monumentally bad that they had to revamp the script & spend who knows how much $$$ on shitty CGI to replace it.
There's just been so much fucktarded bullshit with this movie that people have since forgotten about him.
And speaking of Hunger Games...good movies, but holy fuck, talk about a breeding ground for actresses that go on to make absolute retards of themselves. You've got:
**Zegler and all her bullshit
**Jennifer Lawrence basically says in an interview that she was the first ever female action lead (ignoring Ripley, Leia, Connor & tons more)
**Elizabeth Banks turned into a feminist idiot that made her career based on her looks & sex appeal, to only bitch to anyone who would listen about how women are treated so terribly in Hollywood...establishing her point by Charlie's Angels remake that catastrophically flopped because it was so bad
**the girl that played Roo goes onto start in Acolyte, everyone hating it because it's pure trash, and she responds by recording a fucking song about how people don't like her because she's a POC LGBTer
Christ on a bike.