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Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Satellite stealing was the Golden age of TV.
When we were in high school, we used to steal the filters for the premium channels out of the little telecom boxes in neighborhoods. We'd only take one here and there so no one got too suspicious. But, a couple of dipshits found out about it and decided they were going to get rich selling them for $10-$20 a piece. They went asswild stealing them out of every box they could find, and there were stories in the news about it within a couple weeks of them going full retard.

The FBI got involved, immediately, as what they were doing was evidently a federal crime. They got caught, but neither of them had a previous record, so they ended up getting probation, community service, fines, and and restitution. When they knew they were about to get caught, one of them asked me to get him a gun because he was going to run. I was an absolute retard at the time, but even I had the sense to tell him that running from this was just about the dumbest thing he could do. He thought he was going to get years in prison.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
There was never an FBI movement to strike down illegal TV. In name, maybe.
The FBI probably isn't going after end users like you and I, but if you're damaging hundreds of telecommunications boxes, they tend to take notice. When I say they went full retard, I mean they went full retard. They also targeted wealthy neighborhoods as I guess there was a larger concentration of them.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
When we were in high school, we used to steal the filters for the premium channels out of the little telecom boxes in neighborhoods. We'd only take one here and there so no one got too suspicious. But, a couple of dipshits found out about it and decided they were going to get rich selling them for $10-$20 a piece. They went asswild stealing them out of every box they could find, and there were stories in the news about it within a couple weeks of them going full retard.

The FBI got involved, immediately, as what they were doing was evidently a federal crime. They got caught, but neither of them had a previous record, so they ended up getting probation, community service, fines, and and restitution. When they knew they were about to get caught, one of them asked me to get him a gun because he was going to run. I was an absolute retard at the time, but even I had the sense to tell him that running from this was just about the dumbest thing he could do. He thought he was going to get years in prison.
I remember those things
circular and fit on a broadband cable?

Never had one but I knew a family that did.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
I remember those things
circular and fit on a broadband cable?

Never had one but I knew a family that did.
They looked like these, but with a bunch of different labels. They screwed right into the coax. Most of them were for HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime, but they would come across some for the straight up nudie channels every once in a while.