General Pain Management

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Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Having to live with pain every day sucks ass. I have an incurable condition where lack of circulation to my hands causes sores on the tips of my fingers. These sores always turn out as infections then due to the lack of blood supply gangrene sets in. In most cases these sores take at least 6 months to heal and are extremely sensitive and painful. I’ve lived with for almost 20 years now and it is becoming worse. There’s no cure so I’ve accepted (not like I have a choice) living with the symptoms but I am going nuts having to deal with the pain.

To make matters worse trying to get a prescription for pain has become nearly impossible now with the opioid issues.

Ive been to a pain management facility and went through a “ganglion nerve block” procedure, 1st one worked great (temporary relief for a day or two) 2nd time it didn’t work at all. I’ve taken so many other prescriptions trying to find an alternative and now have a toxified liver, nothing works like a good old Percocet.

I’ve even thought of amputating my fingers myself, they would heal a lot quicker.

I have ANOTHER Dr appointment this afternoon, 3 fingers are badly infected, any suggestions how I can get the Dr to prescribe something that fucking works??


Oct 20, 2015
I’m surprised that at an actual pain management doctor, they won’t prescribe opioids for that. Have you flat out asked?

Sounds like a nightmare. I’m so sorry.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Having to live with pain every day sucks ass. I have an incurable condition where lack of circulation to my hands causes sores on the tips of my fingers. These sores always turn out as infections then due to the lack of blood supply gangrene sets in. In most cases these sores take at least 6 months to heal and are extremely sensitive and painful. I’ve lived with for almost 20 years now and it is becoming worse. There’s no cure so I’ve accepted (not like I have a choice) living with the symptoms but I am going nuts having to deal with the pain.

To make matters worse trying to get a prescription for pain has become nearly impossible now with the opioid issues.

Ive been to a pain management facility and went through a “ganglion nerve block” procedure, 1st one worked great (temporary relief for a day or two) 2nd time it didn’t work at all. I’ve taken so many other prescriptions trying to find an alternative and now have a toxified liver, nothing works like a good old Percocet.

I’ve even thought of amputating my fingers myself, they would heal a lot quicker.

I have ANOTHER Dr appointment this afternoon, 3 fingers are badly infected, any suggestions how I can get the Dr to prescribe something that fucking works??
Sorry to hear OP. My GF is treating a woman with similar issues. The skin on her fingers just peel off. Another derm referred her. If you give me a name of your disease I will run it by her. Have topicals worked for at all assuming you have tried them? The number one issue with a lot of these drugs are liver problems as you are having. It's a very fine line. Some of the really hardcore drugs require constant blood monitoring. If patients aren't compliant she won't Rx. Her first concern is always the liver. Once again I know it sucks and I hope you can find relief. Have you been to any research or teaching hospitals? This is the kind of stuff they usually like doing. Down here it would UofM. All the odd horrible blistering diseases get turfed off to them. How far are you from Mayo? Connections.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Another suggestion. Goto Grndr and PM mataleo tell him I sent you. He is a PM doc and some other things. He can probably give you some great insight as well.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
I've asked straight up. Never been denied.

Last winter they said nope

In the beginning it happened only during the winter time now it happens when I step into AC or hold a cold drink

It's not like I need them all the time, just bed time. can't sleep while in pain. unless I bump a finger on something during the day it's more tolerable


I just tried CBD lotion but that did nothin

I spent time at Mass General then Lahey clinic and some Pain management facility. I was part of a placebo study but couldn't participate, when base lined the toxified liver had to be addressed first, that was a few years ago


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
I would cut them off myself If I was sure the problem would stop not having finger tips


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
I've asked straight up. Never been denied.

Last winter they said nope

In the beginning it happened only during the winter time now it happens when I step into AC or hold a cold drink

It's not like I need them all the time, just bed time. can't sleep while in pain. unless I bump a finger on something during the day it's more tolerable


I just tried CBD lotion but that did nothin

I spent time at Mass General then Lahey clinic and some Pain management facility. I was part of a placebo study but couldn't participate, when base lined the toxified liver had to be addressed first, that was a few years ago
Have you been to RA docs? Has anyone mentioned biologics?

Hopkins also has center. Connections there also.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Have you been to RA docs? Has anyone mentioned biologics?

Hopkins also has center. Connections there also.

Yes a few years ago, no never heard of that

I've been on beta blockers CE inhibitors, prostanoids, endothelin receptor blockers, or PDE-V inhibitors, many types of blood thinners, vascular dilators


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Yes a few years ago, no never heard of that

I've been on beta blockers CE inhibitors, prostanoids, endothelin receptor blockers, or PDE-V inhibitors, many types of blood thinners, vascular dilators
I will let her see all this tonight. She also partners with RA docs down the hall as some of the patients they see overlap.

Biologics are some of the newer drugs mostly for RA. They have amazing results but are expensive and hard to get at times.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
I've had to change Dr's a few times over the years, most of them read my med records and see how extensive my treatments have been then reply "well there's not much I can do that hasn't been tried already"

I've accepted the fact that there is nothing that can be done but for fuck sake at least give me something for the pain


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Out of everything you tried what worked and what didn't? Rank them in order for me good to worse. What opioids give you relief? Dosage times per day.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
I’m surprised that at an actual pain management doctor, they won’t prescribe opioids for that. Have you flat out asked?

Sounds like a nightmare. I’m so sorry.
It's like someone is busting the balls of Dr's that prescribe opioids

I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Perks work
Oxy work great but i will never touch those again as long as i live

ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, steroids, Codeine, Hydrocodone are useless

can not take any NSAIDs they cause a Petechiae type rash

I've also tried acupuncturist but they refuse to treat me after they look at my hands
Last edited:


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Coumadin and heparin - useless

Plavix, dipyridamole/aspirin - useless

topical Nitroglycerin applied to the sores do heal a little faster


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Perks work
Oxy work great well but i will never touch those again as long as i live

ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, steroids, Codeine, Hydrocodone are useless

can not take any NSAIDs they cause a Petechiae type rash

I've also tried acupuncturist but they refuse to treat me after they look at my hands
I also meant the medications you have tried not just pain meds. Put those in order.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
I also meant the medications you have tried not just pain meds. Put those in order.
these are some off the top of my head, there has been so many over the years

Coumadin and heparin - useless

ZPlavix, dipyridamole/aspirin - useless

topical Nitroglycerin applied to the sores do heal a little faster

steroids hydrocortisone, triamcinolone, fluocinonide nothing

and many types of antibiotics to try to clear up the infections faster but most do nothing thats noticable


Oct 20, 2015
It's like someone is busting the balls of Dr's that prescribe opioids

I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy
They are seriously threatening their licenses and shit. Yet I see so many somehow still getting opioid prescriptions when they shouldn’t.

I had lumbar (the third one) surgery last August and had a difficult time filling the prescription I had for post surgical pain. Thank goodness I recovered easier from this surgery than the last one, because I didn’t need to take them that long. If I needed more, it would have been impossible to get them.

You should ask them to explore other pain management options. While I have never experienced gangrene, nerve damage pain is a cunt, and if there is something out there that helps, you shouldn’t be denied it.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
They are seriously threatening their licenses and shit. Yet I see so many somehow still getting opioid prescriptions when they shouldn’t.

I had lumbar (the third one) surgery last August and had a difficult time filling the prescription I had for post surgical pain. Thank goodness I recovered easier from this surgery than the last one, because I didn’t need to take them that long. If I needed more, it would have been impossible to get them.

You should ask them to explore other pain management options. While I have never experienced gangrene, nerve damage pain is a cunt, and if there is something out there that helps, you shouldn’t be denied it.
The rules have changed so much for docs. As much as you are in pain they are threatened by medical board action. In Fl. they have to check a user (abuser) database first before Rxing. There are time and amount limits. There are overrides and my GF does do surgery but not usually the type that would incur an override. That's usually for OS's, podiatrists etc etc. A few bad docs, pharmacy's and drug addicts ruined it for people who really need pain meds. There are also a lot of new studies out that claim there are better ways to manage pain. The guy on Grindr mataleo is all about that as that is his wheelhouse.


Oct 20, 2015
The rules have changed so much for docs. As much as you are in pain they are threatened by medical board action. In Fl. they have to check a user (abuser) database first before Rxing. There are time and amount limits. There are overrides and my GF does do surgery but not usually the type that would incur an override. That's usually for OS's, podiatrists etc etc. A few bad docs, pharmacy's and drug addicts ruined it for people who really need pain meds. There are also a lot of new studies out that claim there are better ways to manage pain. The guy on Grindr mataleo is all about that as that is his wheelhouse.
Yep. My doctor is really good friends with my dad, so he explained so much of it to me. I was on them for awhile the last time my back was really bad, but I stopped taking anything. Muscle relaxers, pain meds... I just deal with all the nerve pain and damage now because I don’t want to deal with any of that stuff.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
She had a million questions.
First thing she asked was where you live I assumed NH. He needs to move where it's warm. She had a professor in med school that moved down here as his wife has it. She said cold weather is really bad for this. She harped on the cold weather.

1. Is it worse in the winter?
2. Does it also effect your toes?
3. Besides your liver have any other organs been involved? She said this is really bad on organs.
4. Do you also have mouth opening issues?
5. Is there any reason you can't move to a warm climate?
6. What do you do for work?

She said it's a really hard and terrible disease to manage. She isn't surprised all the things they tried with you. She went on about other things but from your post I told her it seemed your main focus was the pain in your fingers. She was concerned on the overall picture which is organ failure. As I suspected this usually falls under RA docs. ID gets them when the skin falls off and the fingers are infected and she seems them for the skin related stuff but RA's are the quarterbacks of this.

Too swole to control

I’ll fight anyone on here except Sex Chicken
Oct 28, 2015
I've had Vicodin prescribed since I tore both my biceps and was in head on motorcycle crash that fucked my knee and car crash at like 65mph. My Dr showed me all the stuff he has to go thru to prescribe it. It's nuts. He has a password he has to enter and it changes every 60 seconds on his laptop. He said if I ever try to get anything early or go to two pharmacies or get caught selling it I'm done and will never get it again. But as long as I follow the rules it's ok. They can piss test me at anytime or call me in for a pill check to make sure I have the correct amount and didn't sell them

I'm super careful w it since 80% of ppl who end up on heroin come from opioid use. That won't be me