Police identify suspect vehicle in Ryan Jimmo death

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

Police today confirmed former UFC fighter Ryan Jimmo as the victim of a weekend hit-and-run incident in Canada and located the vehicle allegedly involved in his death.

The Edmonton Police Service found a pickup truck believed to have struck Jimmo early Sunday morning, seizing it for forensic analysis, according to a news release. They continue to seek the public’s help in identifying two Caucasian males allegedly driving the vehicle. The crime been classified as a homicide.

Police say an altercation occurred between Jimmo and the truck’s occupants in the parking lot of H2O Lounge in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. When Jimmo walked away, the truck accelerated an ran him over.

LINK: Police identify suspect vehicle in Ryan Jimmo hit-and-run incident


TMMAC Addict
Jan 20, 2015
It seems like they should have an easy time identifying the driver now that they have the vehicle. Hopefully they get him soon.


The Other White Meat
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
So unfortunate. Was a guy I always cheered for because he seemed like such a good dude.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
It seems like they should have an easy time identifying the driver now that they have the vehicle. Hopefully they get him soon.
Agree, this was an altercation prior to the hit and run so it's not like some others that can run the "my truck was stolen but I didn't report it"