General Provigil: Any of you savages on it?

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Feb 9, 2015
oh it is you rdotfag, go fuck yourself in your retarded libtard ass with Provigil and suck a bag of ukronazi cocks while you are at it


Active Member
Nov 18, 2023
I tried it a long time ago when it was first getting talked about.

I feel like I'm pretty clear headed and on point normally, but this made it feel like there was always a cloud surrounding me and everything seemed to go from out of focus to crystal clear. I'm usually fairly introverted and my inclination is to not socialize, but whatever chemical it changes in the brain made me want to socialize.

I only took it a few times to try it out after reading about people raving about how great it was. It had surprising results, but I didn't want to take it for an extended amount of time. I feel like in nature and biology there is always a downside to everything and there are no free lunches and I didn't want to run up a tab and find out how much the bill was later.


Aug 13, 2024
I tried it a long time ago when it was first getting talked about.

I feel like I'm pretty clear headed and on point normally, but this made it feel like there was always a cloud surrounding me and everything seemed to go from out of focus to crystal clear. I'm usually fairly introverted and my inclination is to not socialize, but whatever chemical it changes in the brain made me want to socialize.

I only took it a few times to try it out after reading about people raving about how great it was. It had surprising results, but I didn't want to take it for an extended amount of time. I feel like in nature and biology there is always a downside to everything and there are no free lunches and I didn't want to run up a tab and find out how much the bill was later.
Makes sense.

I've been thinking about getting a 30 day supply but only using it like once or twice a week. Experiment taking it on a day where I want to lock in on getting some music recorded and then also experiment on a heavy lifting day to see if it aids in mind/muscle connection.

Agree with not wanting to be on it long term due to the free lunch idea, but curious about using it as a targeted performance enhancer.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2023
Makes sense.

I've been thinking about getting a 30 day supply but only using it like once or twice a week. Experiment taking it on a day where I want to lock in on getting some music recorded and then also experiment on a heavy lifting day to see if it aids in mind/muscle connection.

Agree with not wanting to be on it long term due to the free lunch idea, but curious about using it as a targeted performance enhancer.
That makes sense, I do remember reading about some people who wanted to use it regularly and they said it had reduced affect the more they used it so they started only using once or twice a week or for specific reasons. I think headaches may have been an issue people talked about also. Also, some of them said that the next day after using it was almost like a hangover being run down, etc. I didn't experience any downsides, but other people have. Seemed fairly safe from what I had read and from what I had experienced.


Aug 13, 2024
That makes sense, I do remember reading about some people who wanted to use it regularly and they said it had reduced affect the more they used it so they started only using once or twice a week or for specific reasons. I think headaches may have been an issue people talked about also. Also, some of them said that the next day after using it was almost like a hangover being run down, etc. I didn't experience any downsides, but other people have. Seemed fairly safe from what I had read and from what I had experienced.
I wonder how much the headaches came from dehydration. I've read people get locked in and dont get hungry or remember to drink water.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
Ok, here's my FRAT...have to add backstory & such to put it all in proper perspective.

Many years ago, I had heard of racetams online (don't ask me where). There wasn't a ton of info out there, and most of that was random forum posts that were ambiguous at best.

There are a ton of different types of racetams, all of which work a little differently. And there are many ways to take it. Then most of the shit on forums you'd see amounted to "you just have to experiment & see what works for you".

Well thanks for nothing, fuckface. lol. Had no idea what kind to take, how to take it, how much, etc.

While the info was not only ambiguous, it was also kinda hyped up. The movie "Limitless" wasn't that old at the time (gives you an idea of how long ago it was) and comparisons between racetams and NZT48 were common.

I was pushing my online business efforts hard at the time, and (looking back with 20/20 hindsight, like an idiot) had embraced this whole "hustle" & "grind" mentality. Racetams seemed to be pretty popular with coders, gamers, etc (i.e. - people who spent long hours at their screen "hustling" and "grinding"), so I was totally into it.

I dunno if I was a stimulant "fiend" at that point lol, but I had definitely developed an appreciation for energy drinks, as well as straight caffeine pills (was never a coffee drinker).

I ended up with some piracetam powder and honestly, had a very "meh" experience with it. Maybe my expectations were too high. But, since info was so sparse & vague, maybe I was taking it wrong - not taking enough, not taking it the right way (e.g. - I'd read that supposedly if you drank it with the wrong kinda liquid that it'd cancel some of the piracetam's properties), etc.

After that, I had bought a bottle of pills (<==that sounds great lmao) that, among other things, had aniracetam and oxyracetam. IIRC, one was supposed be stronger than piracetam, the other was supposed to have a slightly different cognitive effect, etc. That ended up extremely "meh", too.

All the while, I'd read that noopept was the granddaddy of racetams - it was supposedly 100x stronger than piracetam, etc. I ended up with some of that - it was a flavored powder drink mix. I wanna say it was supposed to be for gamers. Maybe I got it from Jamie Lewis? I really don't remember.

Anyway, noopept was definitely the strongest thing so far, but it still wasn't any great shakes. Again, maybe I was expecting too much or something. But as far as energy, focus, concentration, etc, none of it was really much more than I got or felt drinking an energy drink on an empty stomach. And it didn't seem to last any longer, either.

(Again, remember that I was taking stimulants pretty regularly.)

I gave up on racetams, figuring they were overhyped, a bust, or whatever else.

Some time after that, I started dating (fucking lol) a girl that had a prescription to adderall - 10s. I had a big writing project coming up and she gave me some. I took one one afternoon and holy mother of stimulation, was fucking glorious. lmao

THAT is what I'd expected from the racetams. Tons of energy, but no jitters like from too much stimulants. Crazy focus, & cognitively turned up to 11. Lasted maybe 3-5 hours and I could get more done in those few hours than I could a whole day normally.

Loved the stuff. It was just a bonus that there wasn't really a "crash" after, either. Just a slow comedown.

But I knew how over the top addy was, so I wasn't gonna get used to taking it, either. At the most, I'd take it 2-3x/week, only every other day. I once had a big work project to do and took it 3 days in a row...I felt so horrible after that I didn't take it again for nearly 2 weeks.

(Taking one 10 was more than enough for me. How people take up to 30s...and multiple times a day, no beyond me.)

I soon broke up with that chick, so no more addys. They were the only thing that had given me anything more than stimulants, so I didn't mess with much else. I had been interested in provigil, nuvigil, etc (as those were always in the discussion), but you needed a scipt for those, and I wasn't gonna mess with that. And I certainly wasn't gonna risk my info ordering it online.

Maybe a year later, a friend of mine got a sample pack online from some Indian pharmacy and gave me some of it. She sent me one each of name brand provigil, generic provigil, name grand nuvigil, generic nuvigil.

For me, the generics & name brands both worked / felt pretty much the same (which they should).

As far as energy, focus & concentration, overall cognitive function, etc, provigil definitely worked better than racetams & stimulants, but were nowhere near addy. I didn't experience any side-effects. They were good, but nothing shocking and, at least IMO, didn't live up to the hype.

(Though, given my experience with this stuff overall, maybe I'd become jaded.)

I'd always heard that between the two, provigil was supposed to be stronger than nuvigil, but nuvigil worked way better for me. I had way more energy, but no jitters. And as I recall, it didn't feel like an energy "spike", either. It wasn't like taking a stimulant where you feel it come on hard. Rather, I'd take it, and after maybe 20 minutes, I'm just operating at a way higher level (if that makes sense). Cognitive function was way higher.

I'm not sure if this was "real" or in my head, but as it was coming on, I'd get this feeling in the back of my neck and up into my head. You know that "buzz" you get in your temples when you're drinking and the alcohol is starting to take affect? It was like that, but in my neck & head. Wasn't "bad" or anything - just a physical sensation. Soon after that is when the energy & cognitive effects took place. But given that I only took it twice, I can't say it was for sure.

It lasted roughly 3-5 hours (more or less same as addy), then it'd taper off. No crash to speak of.

I definitely liked nuvigil more than provigil.

However, it was nothing compared to adderall (which I wouldn't take again for obvious reasons) and wasn't good enough to warrant going to the doctor or ordering from some shady website.

I know this was a huge FRAT lol, but wanted to give proper context with my experience.

I will say that if I took racetams or provigil / nuvigil, they "worked" the best if I was working. Meaning I took them, then sat down to my computer to work. If I took them, then say just watched TV or did stuff around the house, I barely noticed anything.

Continuing in this vein, what has worked for me much better has been kratom, and if cognitive improvement is what you're after, I'd recommend kratom all day before I would provigil, racetams, addy, or the like.

But that's a whole OTHER topic. lol


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Ok, here's my FRAT...have to add backstory & such to put it all in proper perspective.

Many years ago, I had heard of racetams online (don't ask me where). There wasn't a ton of info out there, and most of that was random forum posts that were ambiguous at best.

There are a ton of different types of racetams, all of which work a little differently. And there are many ways to take it. Then most of the shit on forums you'd see amounted to "you just have to experiment & see what works for you".

Well thanks for nothing, fuckface. lol. Had no idea what kind to take, how to take it, how much, etc.

While the info was not only ambiguous, it was also kinda hyped up. The movie "Limitless" wasn't that old at the time (gives you an idea of how long ago it was) and comparisons between racetams and NZT48 were common.

I was pushing my online business efforts hard at the time, and (looking back with 20/20 hindsight, like an idiot) had embraced this whole "hustle" & "grind" mentality. Racetams seemed to be pretty popular with coders, gamers, etc (i.e. - people who spent long hours at their screen "hustling" and "grinding"), so I was totally into it.

I dunno if I was a stimulant "fiend" at that point lol, but I had definitely developed an appreciation for energy drinks, as well as straight caffeine pills (was never a coffee drinker).

I ended up with some piracetam powder and honestly, had a very "meh" experience with it. Maybe my expectations were too high. But, since info was so sparse & vague, maybe I was taking it wrong - not taking enough, not taking it the right way (e.g. - I'd read that supposedly if you drank it with the wrong kinda liquid that it'd cancel some of the piracetam's properties), etc.

After that, I had bought a bottle of pills (<==that sounds great lmao) that, among other things, had aniracetam and oxyracetam. IIRC, one was supposed be stronger than piracetam, the other was supposed to have a slightly different cognitive effect, etc. That ended up extremely "meh", too.

All the while, I'd read that noopept was the granddaddy of racetams - it was supposedly 100x stronger than piracetam, etc. I ended up with some of that - it was a flavored powder drink mix. I wanna say it was supposed to be for gamers. Maybe I got it from Jamie Lewis? I really don't remember.

Anyway, noopept was definitely the strongest thing so far, but it still wasn't any great shakes. Again, maybe I was expecting too much or something. But as far as energy, focus, concentration, etc, none of it was really much more than I got or felt drinking an energy drink on an empty stomach. And it didn't seem to last any longer, either.

(Again, remember that I was taking stimulants pretty regularly.)

I gave up on racetams, figuring they were overhyped, a bust, or whatever else.

Some time after that, I started dating (fucking lol) a girl that had a prescription to adderall - 10s. I had a big writing project coming up and she gave me some. I took one one afternoon and holy mother of stimulation, was fucking glorious. lmao

THAT is what I'd expected from the racetams. Tons of energy, but no jitters like from too much stimulants. Crazy focus, & cognitively turned up to 11. Lasted maybe 3-5 hours and I could get more done in those few hours than I could a whole day normally.

Loved the stuff. It was just a bonus that there wasn't really a "crash" after, either. Just a slow comedown.

But I knew how over the top addy was, so I wasn't gonna get used to taking it, either. At the most, I'd take it 2-3x/week, only every other day. I once had a big work project to do and took it 3 days in a row...I felt so horrible after that I didn't take it again for nearly 2 weeks.

(Taking one 10 was more than enough for me. How people take up to 30s...and multiple times a day, no beyond me.)

I soon broke up with that chick, so no more addys. They were the only thing that had given me anything more than stimulants, so I didn't mess with much else. I had been interested in provigil, nuvigil, etc (as those were always in the discussion), but you needed a scipt for those, and I wasn't gonna mess with that. And I certainly wasn't gonna risk my info ordering it online.

Maybe a year later, a friend of mine got a sample pack online from some Indian pharmacy and gave me some of it. She sent me one each of name brand provigil, generic provigil, name grand nuvigil, generic nuvigil.

For me, the generics & name brands both worked / felt pretty much the same (which they should).

As far as energy, focus & concentration, overall cognitive function, etc, provigil definitely worked better than racetams & stimulants, but were nowhere near addy. I didn't experience any side-effects. They were good, but nothing shocking and, at least IMO, didn't live up to the hype.

(Though, given my experience with this stuff overall, maybe I'd become jaded.)

I'd always heard that between the two, provigil was supposed to be stronger than nuvigil, but nuvigil worked way better for me. I had way more energy, but no jitters. And as I recall, it didn't feel like an energy "spike", either. It wasn't like taking a stimulant where you feel it come on hard. Rather, I'd take it, and after maybe 20 minutes, I'm just operating at a way higher level (if that makes sense). Cognitive function was way higher.

I'm not sure if this was "real" or in my head, but as it was coming on, I'd get this feeling in the back of my neck and up into my head. You know that "buzz" you get in your temples when you're drinking and the alcohol is starting to take affect? It was like that, but in my neck & head. Wasn't "bad" or anything - just a physical sensation. Soon after that is when the energy & cognitive effects took place. But given that I only took it twice, I can't say it was for sure.

It lasted roughly 3-5 hours (more or less same as addy), then it'd taper off. No crash to speak of.

I definitely liked nuvigil more than provigil.

However, it was nothing compared to adderall (which I wouldn't take again for obvious reasons) and wasn't good enough to warrant going to the doctor or ordering from some shady website.

I know this was a huge FRAT lol, but wanted to give proper context with my experience.

I will say that if I took racetams or provigil / nuvigil, they "worked" the best if I was working. Meaning I took them, then sat down to my computer to work. If I took them, then say just watched TV or did stuff around the house, I barely noticed anything.

Continuing in this vein, what has worked for me much better has been kratom, and if cognitive improvement is what you're after, I'd recommend kratom all day before I would provigil, racetams, addy, or the like.

But that's a whole OTHER topic. lol


Aug 13, 2024
Ok, here's my FRAT...have to add backstory & such to put it all in proper perspective.

Many years ago, I had heard of racetams online (don't ask me where). There wasn't a ton of info out there, and most of that was random forum posts that were ambiguous at best.

There are a ton of different types of racetams, all of which work a little differently. And there are many ways to take it. Then most of the shit on forums you'd see amounted to "you just have to experiment & see what works for you".

Well thanks for nothing, fuckface. lol. Had no idea what kind to take, how to take it, how much, etc.

While the info was not only ambiguous, it was also kinda hyped up. The movie "Limitless" wasn't that old at the time (gives you an idea of how long ago it was) and comparisons between racetams and NZT48 were common.

I was pushing my online business efforts hard at the time, and (looking back with 20/20 hindsight, like an idiot) had embraced this whole "hustle" & "grind" mentality. Racetams seemed to be pretty popular with coders, gamers, etc (i.e. - people who spent long hours at their screen "hustling" and "grinding"), so I was totally into it.

I dunno if I was a stimulant "fiend" at that point lol, but I had definitely developed an appreciation for energy drinks, as well as straight caffeine pills (was never a coffee drinker).

I ended up with some piracetam powder and honestly, had a very "meh" experience with it. Maybe my expectations were too high. But, since info was so sparse & vague, maybe I was taking it wrong - not taking enough, not taking it the right way (e.g. - I'd read that supposedly if you drank it with the wrong kinda liquid that it'd cancel some of the piracetam's properties), etc.

After that, I had bought a bottle of pills (<==that sounds great lmao) that, among other things, had aniracetam and oxyracetam. IIRC, one was supposed be stronger than piracetam, the other was supposed to have a slightly different cognitive effect, etc. That ended up extremely "meh", too.

All the while, I'd read that noopept was the granddaddy of racetams - it was supposedly 100x stronger than piracetam, etc. I ended up with some of that - it was a flavored powder drink mix. I wanna say it was supposed to be for gamers. Maybe I got it from Jamie Lewis? I really don't remember.

Anyway, noopept was definitely the strongest thing so far, but it still wasn't any great shakes. Again, maybe I was expecting too much or something. But as far as energy, focus, concentration, etc, none of it was really much more than I got or felt drinking an energy drink on an empty stomach. And it didn't seem to last any longer, either.

(Again, remember that I was taking stimulants pretty regularly.)

I gave up on racetams, figuring they were overhyped, a bust, or whatever else.

Some time after that, I started dating (fucking lol) a girl that had a prescription to adderall - 10s. I had a big writing project coming up and she gave me some. I took one one afternoon and holy mother of stimulation, was fucking glorious. lmao

THAT is what I'd expected from the racetams. Tons of energy, but no jitters like from too much stimulants. Crazy focus, & cognitively turned up to 11. Lasted maybe 3-5 hours and I could get more done in those few hours than I could a whole day normally.

Loved the stuff. It was just a bonus that there wasn't really a "crash" after, either. Just a slow comedown.

But I knew how over the top addy was, so I wasn't gonna get used to taking it, either. At the most, I'd take it 2-3x/week, only every other day. I once had a big work project to do and took it 3 days in a row...I felt so horrible after that I didn't take it again for nearly 2 weeks.

(Taking one 10 was more than enough for me. How people take up to 30s...and multiple times a day, no beyond me.)

I soon broke up with that chick, so no more addys. They were the only thing that had given me anything more than stimulants, so I didn't mess with much else. I had been interested in provigil, nuvigil, etc (as those were always in the discussion), but you needed a scipt for those, and I wasn't gonna mess with that. And I certainly wasn't gonna risk my info ordering it online.

Maybe a year later, a friend of mine got a sample pack online from some Indian pharmacy and gave me some of it. She sent me one each of name brand provigil, generic provigil, name grand nuvigil, generic nuvigil.

For me, the generics & name brands both worked / felt pretty much the same (which they should).

As far as energy, focus & concentration, overall cognitive function, etc, provigil definitely worked better than racetams & stimulants, but were nowhere near addy. I didn't experience any side-effects. They were good, but nothing shocking and, at least IMO, didn't live up to the hype.

(Though, given my experience with this stuff overall, maybe I'd become jaded.)

I'd always heard that between the two, provigil was supposed to be stronger than nuvigil, but nuvigil worked way better for me. I had way more energy, but no jitters. And as I recall, it didn't feel like an energy "spike", either. It wasn't like taking a stimulant where you feel it come on hard. Rather, I'd take it, and after maybe 20 minutes, I'm just operating at a way higher level (if that makes sense). Cognitive function was way higher.

I'm not sure if this was "real" or in my head, but as it was coming on, I'd get this feeling in the back of my neck and up into my head. You know that "buzz" you get in your temples when you're drinking and the alcohol is starting to take affect? It was like that, but in my neck & head. Wasn't "bad" or anything - just a physical sensation. Soon after that is when the energy & cognitive effects took place. But given that I only took it twice, I can't say it was for sure.

It lasted roughly 3-5 hours (more or less same as addy), then it'd taper off. No crash to speak of.

I definitely liked nuvigil more than provigil.

However, it was nothing compared to adderall (which I wouldn't take again for obvious reasons) and wasn't good enough to warrant going to the doctor or ordering from some shady website.

I know this was a huge FRAT lol, but wanted to give proper context with my experience.

I will say that if I took racetams or provigil / nuvigil, they "worked" the best if I was working. Meaning I took them, then sat down to my computer to work. If I took them, then say just watched TV or did stuff around the house, I barely noticed anything.

Continuing in this vein, what has worked for me much better has been kratom, and if cognitive improvement is what you're after, I'd recommend kratom all day before I would provigil, racetams, addy, or the like.

But that's a whole OTHER topic. lol
But how much coke though?


Aug 13, 2024
I'm allegedly going to order some and see.

Worse comes to worse and I just throw it all out after the first pill *allegedly*


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
What was the site where you could basically order research drugs from in California, GreenDragon something, it was on the boner thread on the og from years ago. I ordered some of the liquid sildenafil and that shit was insane.