Rockhold: 'Weidman fights like an idiot'

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

When Chris Weidman got injured and Michael Bisping took his spot in the middleweight title fight at this Saturday's UFC 199, many believed Bisping would be the easier task for champion Luke Rockhold. But Rockhold, who has talked trash back-and-forth with Bisping since the fight got announced, surprisingly has a different opinion on the matter.

"I think [Weidman] might have been easier," he said on the latest episode of The MMA Hour (Transcription via MMA Fighting). "Weidman kind of fights ugly and fights with his balls. Comes forward and might get a little sloppy. I'd pick him off fairly early.

"Weidman just kind of fights like an idiot," Rockhold continued. "He just f*cking runs forward and exposes himself and kind of overcommits and relies on his toughness. Bisping tries to make it more tactical and I enjoy that, that process of finding my shots and outdoing him, outsmarting him in the cage and putting him away."

LINK: Luke Rockhold: Weidman 'fights like an idiot', would've been 'easier' opponent than Bisping

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
He fights with his balls? I haven't seen this tactic used yet?