General Russia to roll out electron-photonic computer working at speed of light by 2027

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Feb 9, 2015
Scientists from the National Center of Physics and Mathematics (NCPM) will create a working prototype of the world's most powerful hybrid electron-photonic computing system (EPCS), which will process information "at the speed of light", in the next two years.

According to the scientific director of the NCPM, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev, the working prototype of the device will process information at a speed of more than 10 to the 19th power operations per second.

"In fact, this will be a computer whose coprocessors perform calculations at the speed of light," TASS quotes him.

Sergeev noted that the EPCS is designed for ultra-fast data processing using neural network methods based on optical artificial neural networks.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Got a link to a full article/press release?

MIT released an open source project for 100G/Petabit testing: GitHub - open-photonics/lightning-lts: [Long Term Support] [SIGCOMM 2023] Lightning: A Reconfigurable Photonic-Electronic SmartNIC for Fast and Energy-Efficient Inference

Norway or Sweden put out 1.8 petabit chips in '21 or '22 (functional demos, not market release).

10 to the 19th power operations per second.
Would be, I believe, 10 Exabit.

Interested to see if there's any technical details reported, or if it's more of a press release.


Feb 9, 2015
no press release