Silver Surfer vs Goku

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
This is a spill over from the FB geekground discussion.

So....Surfer is stronger than Hulk, matter manipulation powers that rival molecule man with energy manipulation powers to match, FTL speed and lives in space.

Goku is pretty strong, is pretty fast, has good hand to hand skills and is good at shooting energy.

Ways for Surfer to win:
Beating Goku with his fists. Goku has been beaten by physically weaker foes.
Turning him into a chocolate. Or a poo. Or whatever. Another weakness Goku has demonstrated.
Draining all his energy.
Blasting him with energy.

Ways for Goku to win:
Energy blasts will have no effect. The Surfer can walk in stars and absorb any type of energy.
Punching him could potentially work but harder hitters than Goku have tried.

Any goku fanboys wanna have a stab at it?

Edit: Silver Surfer vs Goku AND Vegeta. So they can attack simultaneously or fusion into Gogeta or Vegeto
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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
LOL that was a good video but not how the ending would go. Goku gets turned into a carrot and stuffed up Vegeta's butt.


Well, with the current incarnation of Goku being Ssjgod, it's really hard to say. Ithink that they would match up alot more evenly that than people might assume given his latest transformation.

Silver Surfer has, in my personal opinion been long overlooked as the rightful p4p most powerful non-abstract hero in marvel canon. The way he was portrayed in the 2nd FF movie was a travesty. nerd is showing.