General Singapore Summit

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Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I cannot believe this idiotic CNN Anchor.
He's more interested in how much english Kim Jong Un speaks than the substance of Rodman's view.
And, seems to think "bringing up NK's human rights issues" is imperative to the summit.
What an absolute tool.


Insert Crown here
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm watching but there is not much too watch, other than Rodman trying to get some potcoin money for himself while fake crying on international tv.

Edit: by the way kim jong un needs a better barber, his fade is shitty he was going for a high fade but his barber fucked it up

Rambo John J

Eats things that would make a Billy Goat Puke
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
this is faker than pro wrestling

y'all must be trolling me that your watching


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
this is faker than pro wrestling

y'all must be trolling me that your watching

Did you skip WWE Table Ladders & Chairs match 2013 just because John Cena and Randy Orton outcome was already predetermined?

NO i didn't think so

member 3289

I'm so glad Trump pissed off most of our closest allies to hurry to a meeting that won't matter in the end anyway


Oct 20, 2015
Lol all I see on these two are memes and comedy sketches so seeing them actually together makes me giggle.


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
Definitely been watching...Actually wish I flew to Singapore to be there..I love Singapore as it is, plus Im also a bit of a global politics nut (I did a Masters of International Relations and North Korea was a big part of my thesis - I've also written stuff thats been internationally published and referenced)...Kinda regretting it but watching closely on the tv anyways.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Honest question
Would you rather have this end in peace between Korea and the world. Trump is re-elected and goes down in history as a great president.
This all falls apart, things get worse, and trump is booed out of office.

Also for you @conor mcgregor nut hugger
I think Trump has as much to do with these negotiations and understands what is going on as much as Dennis Rodman does. I guarantee Trump has no clue what the Korean War was about, and I would bet money that up until a year ago he didn’t know North and South Korea were separate countries.

I don’t think the Korea situation factor/ in any way in Trump’s legacy, because I don’t think he has anything to do with this peace process. He will do anything to shove his fat desperate face into any photo op he thinks makes him look presidential or important.

You can’t tell me these photos aren’t hilarious. He really is an Insane person trying to act how he thinks a president would act.