Some cool photos from our travels to EGYPT!!

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Jan 16, 2015
I posted some of these on that other forum a couple years ago so some of you may have seen them before, but I was digging out a couple of the pics for my kid to use for a project today............and I figured I would share some with the cool kids over here at the MMAC!

I can't believe it was 17 years ago already, two years after meetiing and marrying my wife on our second date we decided it was time to travel. She had already travelled all through South America and Europe, and since it was my first real travel experience outside of Canada, New York and Florida, I got to choose our destination. My choice was the place where I had developed an infatuation due to the magnificent pyramid images I Continually returned to in National Geographic during a stretch before I met my wife off we went to Egypt, posing it up like champs!

Where's Waldo?



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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The first time I posted these pics online was when I first met Galanis who let me know how much he enjoyed the photos and hoped to do the same some day. WHERE THE FUCK IS GALANIS???


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015

This camel here was a real cranky bitch! Very mean!!

We tripped around Cairo for about three days before i wanted to punch the entire country out. As frustrating as it was to get around, the history, and size of the city are never lost on you.

Sheesha pipes were everywhere, so of course i had to bring one home where it sat unused for about 5 years before I traded it away for an couple of joints.

Prayer was everywhere, all the time. This was somewhere in Tahrir Square, where all the fighting has been taking place over the past couple years of civil unrest.


Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
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Jan 16, 2015
Beautiful man! Egypt is a beautiful country steeped in mesmerising history. I travelled through Egypt down the Nile about 10 years ago, finishing off in Sudan. Absolutely blown away from the monuments in Luxor, Valley of Queens / Kings & Abu Simbel.


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
After three days it was definitely time to get the fuck out of Cairo. Off to Dahab in the Sinai, about an 8 hour bus ride to arrive at the Red Sea........okay, now this was more my speed.

These little beehives are what became known as home for a while.

The little girls always flocked, like to the point of smothering my wife every time she appeared. These girls were more street smart than most motherfuckers I know my age today. Awesome little personalities.

That guy on the right hooked me up with some really shitty pot, but I only did it's too difficult to enjoy your high when you don't know if it's going to get you hung or not. That dude was a good guy, and definitely a stoner......

The ole lady was having a chat with the Bedouin ladies, although, I am pretty sure nobody understood a word each other was saying. They had to hide their face when I snapped the pic.



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First 100
Jan 16, 2015

It was now time to shake things up and try something new. So off we went on an overnight trek up Mount Sinai to see where this Moses fellow received those stones with the ten commandments engraved on them. The idea was to trek throughout the night so as not to overheat, and then wait for the sunrise. As you will see, this was a very wise decision to make this journey.........amazing pics of the sun coming over the mountains.



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First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Oh, did I forget to mention that when we got to the top there was a group of Nigerians who had also made the pilgrimage, and wow, were they a trip. As the sun began to come up over the mountain they started to sing and chant this beautiful melody like only Africans can do. It was very moving, but a couple of them who laid down on the stone and began convulsing like some funky chicken, crazy spiritual shit that looked pretty intense to me, well......they were actually a little distracting. It was like, okay, to watch this magnificent sunrise over the Sinai, something I will never see again after these next moments pass, or to watch this guy lying down on the rock and convulsing so violently in the name of spirituality that he head is clacking off the stone?

On the way down........I noticed this donkey. He seemed a little shifty to me, I didn't trust him.

Where's Waldo?



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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Once again, it was time for a change, so off we went to Jordan. Stopped for a break at Wadi Rum, where Laurence of Arabia was filmed. We fucked up by not crossing over to the sandy desert part, but we wanted to get to this Petra place for some serious scuba adventures..

To elaborate on my last comment, a funny story but a long one too, so I will spare you most of the details only to tell you that we were on a mission to get to Petra........that is all we knew it by, the name Petra, a place of great scuba diving and snorkling. At least that is what I got out of it from the fellow who jumped from one conversation to another without telling me that he was skipping important details in the process of doing so while he was recommending places to go. Over two days of travelling from Egypt, deep into Jordan I thought I was going diving. It wasn't until we arrived in the dark of night and checked into a hotel that I realized by looking at a brochure in the lobby that Petra was that cool lost city from one of the Raider's of the Lost Ark movies. There was no water here, there would be no snorkels needed. How the hell did we not know what Petra was?

It's crazy that this city which is literally carved into the stone and is estimated to be from around 300 BC, was not even discovered until 1812. They are still digging up and cleaning out parts of this city, and as you are walking around there are remnants of broken artifacts all over the place, it's crazy. Absolutely incomprehensible what those people did way back in the day. This building is the treasury.

This is the can see Waldo's wife standing in the doorway, for a little perspective.



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Jan 16, 2015
Condos were pretty cheap back in the day considering the amount of labour that went into building them.

That would be my wife arriving to her seat nice and early at the colosseum for the lion feedings. You can see the V.I.P. booths up top at the back......

View from the nose bleeds.........

Steps through the city.....


Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Fantastic photos & story man, thanks for sharing, I wish I still had all my photos from my trip, no idea what happened to them as I travelled with an ex gf. I still got an epic Sheesha I came back with somewhere, need to dig it out!


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The following pics show some of our experience at the Dead Sea. I had read about the Dead Sea in a Lonely Planet book on the way over seas. What I read was that there was no life in that sea because the ratio of the salt content to water was more than 7 times that of the world's oceans. I also read that the Dead Sea has great healing powers and is commonly sought out for therapeutic purposes. Of course, I also saw those pictures of people flooting while reading (typical poser tourist pic).

What I did not read in the Lonely Planet was that if you have a cut on your leg you might as well pour salt and vinegar into it if you are thinking of jumping into the Dead Sea. Therefore, there were two things I discovered immediately after ripping my shirt off and sprinting down the beach (following a long, hot and stifling ride in a taxi in the mid-day desert of Jordan) and charging the water the way I might at my own local beach at home, diving in with wreckless abandon. One, cuts hurt, and two, I discovered that this was no ordinary body of water to move around in, it was like watered down jello. If you tried to straighten yourself in the water with your head above the surface and your legs hanging down, your legs would either start coming up in front of you or behind you, but they were coming up, and with enough momentum that your head was likely going under when your feet hit the surface. Man, after 3 or 4 times of me being like a weebles wobble guy in the water, I was getting all that salt in my eyes and quickly became blinded, and my eyes began stinging like a son-of-a-bitch. It was completely fucked up and I couldn't stop laughing at my own stupidety as I wondered how many travellers must do this everyday. If I was local, I would hang out there on my days off just to watch the dumb westerners scream once they became blinded by surprise. That would be fun for me.

Of course, my wife is no fool and got to stand on the beach pretending she had no idea who I was, as I hollared, OWWWWWWWWWWW MY EYES!!!!!!! and OWWWWWWWWWWW MY CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After regaining my composure, we snapped some pics. This water here is well over our heads.

This was the only position in which you could stay on your stomach because if you fried to straghten your legs your head was going under. You had to keep your feet up and flap your arms like you were doing a mad doggy paddle. I was hysterical actually, you couldn't not laugh your ass off while doing all of these swim positions you would never comprehend otherwise.

Now it was time to play the role of the typical tourist and read the next chapter of my book while floating on the water.

The following day we stopped on the west side of the Dead Sea, as we had now passed into Israel. If I remember correctly, the ole lady and I were beefing over some small shit that you will beef over when travelling together in the searing desert heat. We didn't swim and wanted to move on to Jerusalem. These are the only two pics I have but the water sure looks a lot more tourquise than it did on the other (Jordanian) side.

Looking back now, it is hard to believe that my wife who I had only known and been married to for two years had only recently turned 24. I am four years older than her and would have been 28 at this time. It's also hard to believe I would allow her to travel alongside me while wearing that hippy shit!



First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Fantastic photos & story man, thanks for sharing, I wish I still had all my photos from my trip, no idea what happened to them as I travelled with an ex gf. I still got an epic Sheesha I came back with somewhere, need to dig it out!
Awesome.........I would love to see your pics. It's kind of hard not to take an interesting photo in a place like that isn't it? If you ever dig them up, post them brutha!!


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
At last, we have checked into our hotel in Jerusalem and we are ready to head outside to go check out this place the refer to as 'The Old City', First, I must snap a pic of my pretty lady wearing her new Israeli dress and posing it up in the hallway of our glamorous hotel. She always does this little Irish curtsy thing and I seemed to catch her coming back up from her dip with her hands at her side as though she is carrying two invisible shopping bags.

Upon leaving the hotel, the armed presence of police and soldiers is felt immediately.

It was so weird, and unfortunately I lost the one pic I took........but you would not only see young soldiers in dressed their army detail, but it was very common to see young guys and girls in street clothes with AK's strapped over their shoulder as well. I remember lining up behine some young girls at a different food stand and they were in t-shirts and track pants (with BUM written across the bum, you know the ones) with AK47's over the shoulder and revolvers on their side. It became my understanding that the young soldiers were required to carry their guns at all times during their first two years of service, even when they weren't in detail. It was kind of surreal, being from Canada anyways.



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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
There it is, the fortress built around the Old City of Jerusalem. I did not understand this place and was forced to learn on the fly. What I discovered was that this city within a city, one being old and one not so much, was home to some major shit. Like............the tomb of Jesus Christ for instance!! We figured we'd best get in there and check it out. I will warn you now though, the pics are really lacking here. Either I was short on film or I just stopped giving a fuck.

Once inside, we stumbled into this place known as the Waling Wall. I had never heard of it, but appareently it is where people go to write a wish or something like that on a piece of paper, then they stick it into the crack of this wall and hope for the best. Lots of crying takes place was kind of funny to watch. I suggested to my wife that they should have named it the 'Crying Wall'. Derp!

We then meandered over to this place called The Church of Sepulchre, which was build around year 325 and sits on the location where some nasty crucification apparently took pplace with some fellow by the name of Jesus Christ. It sounded like a pretty big deal so we took a stroll........

Once inside, we heard some crazy ominous chanting/singing noise. I peered over the balcony and saw these monks doing their thing. That was cool.........they looked so serious about their little performance.

Totally lacking in the picture department. This would be looking up at the top of this tomb thing that they say belonged to Jesus.

This was also part of the whole tomb display........

And lastly I feel I need to add that the weirdness in the air was waaaaay over the top. There bus loads of people showing up wearing matching t-shirts saying things like 'Redeemed and Rejoicing', and they were running around touching everything they could get their hands on while balling and squealing like they had just been given a free pass to this place called heaven. To be honest, it was a total kook show!

Not sure what this guy was doing for the people, but I'm sure they came away feeling better about themselves for having stopped by his little station.

I wish I had some video of the slab of stone which was apparently the rock that Jesus body was laid down on when he was brought down from the cross, or was the cover of his tomb, or was on the floor as a nice little display for people to come and put their hands on and act like they had a just been saved right there on the spot. Holy fuck, I can not emphasize enough how strange this whole scene was. People are really weird man! I was more than happy to get the fuck out of there!


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Last spring I went into this facebook scrabble phase where I couldn't get enough over about a 2 or 3 month stretch. While I have not even opened the game up in several months, I was pleased to discover that my stats were still intact. Now if you look at this screen shot you can skip over the abysmal 28 wins and 37 losses record, and go right to the unprecedented single word high score. An whopping 203 points on a double triple word score in the bottom left corner of the board, all thanks to the (very relevant to this thread) word - EGYPTIAN!!

I have never seen anybody else come close. It's not the highest word score ever, in the entire world, but it is the highest scrabble word among any of the fuckers I know, or have spoken to about it. I'm not that good at scrabble, so I wear this achievement like a badge of honor!


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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I am pretty much finished with the stories, and I've posted the best pics of the bunch in the order of which they occured, however, I will slap in one last lot of randoms before walking off into the sunset on this thread, because it's Egypt, so even if the pics are redundant they are still full of epic content, therefore worth seeing again.


The remnants of some old castle in Jordan. After hiking up my wife had to squat on the floor inside and take a leak. How many of you can say you've pissed on the floor of a castle?

Security guard taking it all in, in front of the sphinx.



Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
I love the pics & stories. I've been on a similar trip. It's amazing how ancient Petra is. Maybe you can change the title to World travels & let everyone post up pics..
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