Use a coffee maker
Operate blinds (once I put them up they are up forever)
Ride a motorcycle
Drink wine (and not think it tastes like fox piss)
Know how to fix cars (I know how to use tools but never worked on cars)
Cook (although I wouldn't die of starvation, I'm a restaurant addict)
Don't know toouch shit about Microsoft Office
High level math ( I was top level student throughout my school years and definitely learned all that fancy math and could do it no problem, 15 years later I can add and work out percentages, thadda bout it)
Speak frog (did french for 5 years and forgot all that shit too, I don't mind though I'd prefer not to speak any of that shite)
Rivet. I had a riveting class about 8 years ago (very basic) and when I tried my hand at it earlier this year I sucked shit and my coworkers mocked my efforts. Bastards
Electronics. Same as math. I've learned electronics more than once to pass exams etc but never put it into practice afterwards. My brain purges shit after a time. Same with my solder skills. I suck ass at soldering
Fly a plane. I've been around these things for years now and people who own them, had buddies who are certified flight instructors offering to teach me for free if I put gas in the thing. Never really wanted to. Worried I'd get the flying bug and then dump every penny into doing it all the time
Play minesweeper / rubies cube/ sudoku. I suck shit at all those. Tetris too.
Tie a tie. I had to wear one everyday for years in school. Then I went to a wedding a year or so back and I forgot how to do it.
Told ya. My brain forgets shit
What about you guys?
Operate blinds (once I put them up they are up forever)
Ride a motorcycle
Drink wine (and not think it tastes like fox piss)
Know how to fix cars (I know how to use tools but never worked on cars)
Cook (although I wouldn't die of starvation, I'm a restaurant addict)
Don't know toouch shit about Microsoft Office
High level math ( I was top level student throughout my school years and definitely learned all that fancy math and could do it no problem, 15 years later I can add and work out percentages, thadda bout it)
Speak frog (did french for 5 years and forgot all that shit too, I don't mind though I'd prefer not to speak any of that shite)
Rivet. I had a riveting class about 8 years ago (very basic) and when I tried my hand at it earlier this year I sucked shit and my coworkers mocked my efforts. Bastards
Electronics. Same as math. I've learned electronics more than once to pass exams etc but never put it into practice afterwards. My brain purges shit after a time. Same with my solder skills. I suck ass at soldering
Fly a plane. I've been around these things for years now and people who own them, had buddies who are certified flight instructors offering to teach me for free if I put gas in the thing. Never really wanted to. Worried I'd get the flying bug and then dump every penny into doing it all the time
Play minesweeper / rubies cube/ sudoku. I suck shit at all those. Tetris too.
Tie a tie. I had to wear one everyday for years in school. Then I went to a wedding a year or so back and I forgot how to do it.
Told ya. My brain forgets shit
What about you guys?