Staff At Turkish Hotel Use Fake Guns To Stage Mock ISIS Attack On Brits

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

Just six weeks after the Tunisian beach massacre that saw 38 holidaymakers executed, a Turkish hotel has terrified Brit guests by staging a mock ISIS terror attack.

Armed with fake guns and cans of liquid marked ‘fuel’, staff at the five-star Grand Yazici Mares hotel in Icmeler, Turkey, pranked sunbathers by the pool - many of who were British.

In scenes that echoed the massacre in Sousse in June this year, men wandered around with ‘machine guns’, while guests apparently ran for their lives as another man carrying ‘fuel’ pulled out a lighter.

The mock attack was apparently a ‘Hollywood-themed poolside show’ but guests did not find it entertaining or funny.

One Brit holidaymaker, Jason Pythiain, told The Sun that everyone around the pool “suddenly became terrified”.

The 43-year-old electrician from Greater Manchester said: “I looked around and saw Arab-looking guys stalking around and above the pool carrying big guns.

“Then one threw the bucket over me. [Sister] Dawn had been haunted by the news of the Tunisia attack and we’d tried really hard to persuade her to come with us.

“You could see in her face that she thought her worst nightmare was coming true.“

He added: “Other holidaymakers really panicked. It was completely out of order.”

After being told that the whole thing was simply a show, Mr Pythian, who was on holiday to celebrate his father George’s 70th birthday, joined a group of Brits to complain to the hotel manager.

He added: “Obviously the staff knew what they were doing and were trying to ease the tensions of people at the hotel by having a joke.

“They thought it would be funny to scare everyone.

“But it was absolutely disgusting to try and make light of Tunisia in that way.”

Mr Pythian’s sister, Dawn Sutton, later blasted the hotel on TripAdvisor, writing: “There were two walking about as Arabs, one with a rifle and one with a container with ‘Fuel’ written on — it was only water.

“He came up to a family member and poured it on his head, then pretended to light his head. They thought it was entertainment.

“I just thought it was bad taste since what happened in Tunisia.”

Jet2holidays, the company who the Phythian family booked their holiday with, apologised for the incident, adding: “This was a Hollywood-themed poolside show, which included the characters Rambo and Superman, and is always well received by the hotel’s residents.

“The management now understands some of the costumes may have caused offence and will no longer use these in their shows.”

ISIS terrorist Seifeddine Rezgui Yacoubi, pictured above, murdered 38 people during his beach slaughter in June.

Thirty of the victims were British.

Turkey is included in a list of countries that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has deemed to be at the highest risk of attack on tourists.