General Star Trek: Section 31 review

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
15 minutes in and its one of the worst fucking things I've ever watched.

Hell, 5 minutes is all you need to know.
This isn't Star Trek, this isn't even mediocre sci-fi. It's beyond hot garbage, I don't even know how to describe just how bad this is.
Its like someone watched Rise of the Jedi, an episode of Dr Who, Oceans 12, and loudly proclaimed "hold my soy latte!"

Holy fucking fuck this is terrible.
Its so incredibly bad.

22:37 and I'm out, woulda been sooner but I was typing this.

-5 out of 5


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Find a way to watch Homicide:Life on the Streets

Its the greatest cop show ever made.
Same crew as The Wire, just years earlier. Like the wire it takes several episodes to get into the groove of it.
Fully connected to Law & Order, back when it was good.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
You ever watch Southland?
Great cop show that didn't get to end right. Superior network tv show that nobody watched so it got canceled.

Only a little bit of gay stuff, tastefully done.