General Suckerberg *Watch* How to manipulate the outcome of an Election.

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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Facebook, the All Seeing Eye of Big Brother...the outlet where users voluntarily give up all their personal information for the exchange of receiving a few likes.

In the near future, possibly 2020 - more likely 2024, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg will be running for President of the United States of America.

He will be able to communicate with the public like no other Presidential candidate has in the past. For Mark Zuckerberg has all the power of information at his fingertips.

He will use the platform he created "Facebook" to data-mine specific details about every individual across the Globe, he will be able to manipulate public perception by catering to certain demography.

"Facebook has all this information because it has found ingenious ways to collect data as people socialize. Users fill out profiles with their age, gender, and e-mail address; some people also give additional details, such as their relationship status and mobile-phone number. A redesign last fall introduced profile pages in the form of time lines that invite people to add historical information such as places they have lived and worked. Messages and photos shared on the site are often tagged with a precise location, and in the last two years Facebook has begun to track activity elsewhere on the Internet, using an addictive invention called the “Like” button." ~ 2012 Article: MIT Technology Review: "What Facebook Knows about you"
We are entering into a transitional period for humankind, in the old age - money = power the New Age....information = power!

Facebook and the rise of the false savior "Suckerberg" will take the World by storm -- but in the end it will be all apart of the Grand Deception!

This thread is intended to document Zuckerbergs Rise to Presidency of the United States of America. It will show how he was able to use the information he gained through Facebook to manipulate the population into believing he is the 2nd coming of Christ.

Suckerberg Watch 2017 has Officially Begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Apr 18, 2015
You don't really need an Illuminati to make your post troubling and true. The Technorati have supplanted the old money boys.

What you're posting here is actually pretty on target. Zuckerberg is going to run. Trump's election helped. Anything is possible now. If he gets in, the surveillance state, already projected to be unchained under Trump, will subsume everything.

This is the only conspiracy that matters.